Imagine XIII [Tyler]

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You and your family had just recently moved to Columbus and you hadn't had much time to explore so far because you had been busy unpacking your stuff and helping your parents to make the house look at least a little presentable and homely. Today was the first day you had time to actually go around and explore so that's what you did.

When you reached a little park you decided to go there and just rest a bit somewhere nice but after walking through the park for a little while you saw a boy sitting on the grass, leaning back against the tree and just looking down. He didn't look happy and you were worried that something might have happened or that maybe he was hurt or something so you went over to him after struggling with your fear of embarrassing yourself for a while.

"Hey. A-are you okay?" You asked standing a few meters away from the boy whose face you hadn't seen yet.

"Yeah. Of course. I'm fine." He said without lifting his head up and something about the sound of his voice let you believe that these few words were lies.

You walked a bit closer but then past him and to the other side of the tree where he couldn't see you anymore and sat down on the grass too, leaning back.

"I don't believe you're fine." You said after a little moment causing the boy to jump slightly, obviously startled by your presence.

"Y-you're still here." He just said.

"Yeah, and you didn't deny what I said so I must be right. What's wrong?"

"Why would I tell you? I don't even know your name and I certainly haven't seen you before."

"My name's Y/N and it's not my fault you keep looking down." You said obviously in order to make him tell you more.

You were met with silence and all you heard was what sounded like him picking grass or something like that, you weren't sure.

"Some days there's no reason to look up, Y/N." His voice broke the peaceful silence after a while and his words caught your attention because you knew what he meant. You'd been at this point before. "Some days all you can do is sit in the grass and ignore everything around you."

"I know what you mean and trust me, I understand. And I know you don't know me and all but I've been where you are before. I've had those days too. But just ignoring everything around you and keeping your eyes glued to your feet won't help you. It won't change your thoughts or make you understand everything any more." You said, not sure if he was listening or even wanted to hear you but you didn't mind. "You need to look up not to look up but so you can see what surrounds you. Places like here, places that are so peaceful, they let you see things more clearly sometimes. They can help you realize things you didn't understand before. Look at the small flowers in front of you all over the grass. Each one of them is beautiful and yet they're all different. Each one of them is strong enough to still be here even after people have stomped on it. It was strong enough to get back up and now it's still beautiful. It didn't give up and people can still admire it's beauty and strength,  at least the one's who notice it. Maybe many people don't notice but there'll always be someone who does. Someone who knows that the flower is unique and strong and admirable. I don't know if the flower knows but whether it does or not, someone is there who notices."

As you talked you began to realize that you were actually talking about your own problems and not exactly talking to the boy but it didn't matter. What you didn't notice was that he was standing next to you now, looking down at you.

"Holy shit, you scared me!" You said as you jumped to the side a bit when you eventually noticed him.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." He said and it was the first time you actually saw the guy. He extended his hand to help you up and you took it letting him pull you to your feet.

"Thanks" You said and smiled at him.

"I'm Tyler, by the way. Nice to meet you." He said and smiled back at you.

"Nice to meet you, too."

A while later you were sitting by that same tree again next to each other, talking about all sorts of things just getting to know each other a bit.

"You know, what you said earlier, about that flower, I think you might be right about that." Tyler said after a while surprising you by going back to that topic. "You were right about what you said before too." He pointed out, admitting that he had been lying about being fine.

"You don't have to tell me. You don't know me that much and I totally understand if you don't want to tell me."

"No, it's fine. I've only known you for a little while but what you said, I think what you said about the flower, I mean it seems like you understand and I feel like I can tell you." He said and you really did feel like you could tell him about your problems, too.

You'd only just met the dark haired, brown-eyed boy named Tyler but you knew that he could really become an amazing best friend. It felt like you'd known him forever already.

I hope you like this one too. I decided to not make it a romantic one because I just like the idea of this sort of imagine and I hope you do too.
Love, me. ♡
Edit: ALSO THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 1K VIEWS. when I started writing this I thought I'd get like maybe 100 views or something but now it's over 1K and I'm really happy. THANK YOU ALL. ♡

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