December 26th

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December 26th

Boxing Day.

June arrived early that morning and claimed her seat in the corner, by the window. She stared at the frosted surface, barely able to glimpse the drifting snow beyond.

Before her, on the glass-topped table, sat a red Starbucks cup that was decorated with snowflakes to celebrate the season and holiday. The lady seated alone at a table to her right had a modified version of the same cup; it was short and wide; a lot like June thought of herself.

June’s cup was filled to the brim with the murky brown of a Peppermint Mocha and topped with white cream that twisted and spiralled atop her cup. She hadn’t even taken a sip.

A bell chimed above the door as Jessie stepped into the Starbucks. He gazed about the room brightly and walked to the back of a long line with a smile still on his face.

It took a lot to remove the smile from Jessie's face. Even the minus degrees of December could not slow him down.

He glanced at his watch every now and again until finally, nine minutes and fifty-seven seconds later, he stood at the front. He ordered the Latte to go.

When at last his drink was handed to him, he slid a ten dollar note across the counter and smiled at the same pierced attendant as he told her to keep the change. In response, she grunted for the next person in line to step forward.

Jessie shrugged and began weaving through the tight masses of people, always one step closer to the exit.

He reached the door and placed his gloved hands on the glass surface, taking a deep breath as he prepared for the cold.

Except, at that precise moment, June glanced up.

And Jessie glanced sideways.

And their gazes interlocked.

Jessie was at a complete loss for words, which was rare. Sitting in a corner by herself was probably the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

Her raven hair flowed wildly and she seemed to have a permanent scowl but he found that his feet were moving on their own accord, approaching her.

June stared at the cute boy as he neared her table. He walked with determination and didn't stop until he was sitting before her with a slight smile on his achingly full lips.

June didn't know him.

But already she wanted to kiss him.

Jessie stared at the girl with the scowl and the forlorn glint in her eyes. He continued to smile. "Hi," he said. "I'm Jessie."

June paused, entranced by the boys piercing grey eyes as they studied her carefully. "June," she responded. "I'm June."

"Don't you like Christmas?" he asked her as he lowered his Styrofoam cup onto the table.

"Why do you ask?" she responded, tilting her head slightly to the side as she did so.

"It's the day after Christmas and you're alone in Starbucks so I figured you don't like the holiday much," he explained, his lips still curved into a grin.

June liked his smile, it reminded her of a hot summers day; bright and playful. "So you don't like Christmas then?" she asked.

He shook his head. "My parents are overseas so I'm staying with my uncle this holiday," he responded openly.

June liked that he wasn't reserved. "I despise the holiday," she stated truthfully with a shrug. "How old are you?"

Jessie appeared thoughtful. "How old do you think I am?" he asked, still smiling. Jessie never stopped smiling, even when he couldn't celebrate his favourite holiday the way he wanted.

"I think you look about eighteen," June concluded after having studied his face for a full minute.

"I'll give you another try," Jessie said. He flicked his dark, curly brown hair from in front of his metallic eyes and blinked a few times.

June loved the freckles that were splashed across the bridge of his nose. "Seventeen?" she guessed unsurely.

Jessie shook his head. "I'm sixteen and three-quarters," he said. "What about you?"

"I'll let you have one wild guess and if you're correct, I'll knit you a sweater," she said. For the first time in what seemed like years, a smile formed on her lips.

"You'll knit me a sweater?" Jessie asked. He chuckled slightly at the humour he found in her offer and shrugged. "As long as it's not an ugly Christmas one with Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer."

June faked a gasp. "How did you know?" she said with mock surprise. She giggled. "If you get it wrong then I'll knit you an ugly Christmas sweater and you have to wear it for a full day."

Jessie's eyes sparked with interest. He knew that his chances of guessing her birthday were slight but he also knew that if he agreed, he would get the chance to see her again soon.

"You have a deal," he responded. Jessie stuck out his hand for June to shake.


I think that this might be one of my longer chapters :)

Next update: Tomorrow!

Bye :) I hope your Boxing Day shopping went well ;)

June and Jessie's Christmas at Starbucks [On Hiatus // Jan 02]Where stories live. Discover now