December 30th

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December 30th

“Favourite movie, go!” Jessie exclaimed.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s,” June responded with an excited giggle. “Favourite song.”

Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers, definitely!” He paused to think. “Worst date?”

“This one.” She beamed. “Favourite place in the whole world?”

Jessie scoffed. “I am by far your best date ever and the sooner you accept it, the sooner I can admit that I am madly in like with you.”

June smiled. “You’re in like with me?”

Jessie nodded and squeezed her hand. “Since the day after Christmas.”

She could only blush and attempt to avoid his concentrated eyes. She cleared her throat. “And I, you.”

Jessie’s grin widened and he squeezed her hand again. It wasn’t much of an admission but he knew that those three words had taken a lot of effort. “My favourite place in the whole world has got to be my tree house. It took about four years to build but now that it’s done – and very professional-looking, might I add – I spend most of my time up there.”

“I feel like you have porno’s hidden beneath a floorboard,” June commented. She smiled cheekily and laughed.

“You are surprisingly accurate,” Jessie responded in a flat, dry tone that displayed his sarcasm. “But even if I ever possessed a pornographic magazine, it would be tacked up to the wall because my parents are both acrophobic and, thus, would never find out.”

“Alright, it’s your turn to ask me a question.”

“Are you actually asexual?”

June shook her head. Jessie watched her raven locks flutter and settle on her shoulders. “No, sir,” she replied truthfully. “I tried, I really did... and then I watched Dear John and couldn’t resist the obvious sexual tension between Channing Tatum and I.”

“So you’re into buff guys?” Jessie stared at his toned arms. Comparing his biceps to Channing Tatum’s beefy ones was like putting a toothpick next to post-spinach Popeye.

“I named his left pectoral muscle, “June”,” June retorted with a straight face.

Jessie chocked on his spit.

“I hope you know that I’m joking,” she added, staring at her male companion as he cleared his throat.

“Your turn to ask a question,” Jessie said.

June shrugged. “Would you dip your toes in a tub of ice cream for a full minute if I gave you five dollars?”

Jessie did a double take. “Excuse me?”

June squared her shoulders and narrowed her eyes challengingly. “You heard me.”

“Yes, yes I would,” Jessie responded with a firm nod of his head. “I would do it for one dollar even, just to see what it feels like to have ice cream between my toes.”

“That is so disgusting.”

You’re the one that asked!”

“Just ask me a question.”

Jessie scratched his chin thoughtfully. “First kiss?”

June scowled. “I regret it every day,” she muttered. “I can’t even remember his name but I wish I hadn’t met him behind the monkey bars that day...”

“Sounds very romantic,” Jessie responded sarcastically. He suddenly let go of her hand and swept his arm across the table, knocking a glove off in the process just as he hoped. June bent over to retrieve it but he stopped her and shuffled around the side of the table.

He slipped the glove into his front pocket and knelt before her on one knee. June had bent her head to watch him and now there was only about an inch between their faces.

June’s breath smelled of mouth wash. Having foul breath around Jessie was not an option.

Jessie’s breath smelled of tutti-frutti bubble gum. He loved gum.

Unlucky for them, Jessie stumbled on his one knee and grabbed the table to steady himself. It shook wildly and sent their untouched cups of coffee flying. Before the two could even comprehend the events of the past two seconds, they were both soaked in coffee and laughing at their misfortune.


Hola :) Hope you guys like it... I actually really like writing this story. It’s so fun and so cute and I want a Jessie. (Smile Like You Mean It by The Killers on the side!)

Byeeee <3 nfk350

June and Jessie's Christmas at Starbucks [On Hiatus // Jan 02]Where stories live. Discover now