December 31st

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December 31st

June and Jessie sipped from their identical cups of Gingerbread Latte. One frowned disgustedly and the other moved to take a bigger gulp.

“That is so disgusting,” June muttered. She lowered the cup to the table and scowled.

By now, Jessie had chugged the whole cup. “Best freaking coffee I have ever had,” he murmured dreamily.

June pointed to her top lip and laughed. “You have a foam moustache,” she informed him with another giggle. Jessie frowned and the moustache moved with his facial muscles. June laughed louder.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the front camera so that he could stare at the creamy splotch between his nose and lips. June heard the camera click as he took a picture and then showed it to her. “Even with a moustache, I’m sexy,” he stated coolly.

June rolled her eyes and snatched the phone out of his hands. Jessie didn’t protest as she slid the unlock bar. He was usually comfortable having people look through his phone because there was nothing to hide. It’s also the reason he never bothered with a password.

June tapped the screen a couple more times. “I hope you don’t mind but I just forwarded that picture to everyone in your contacts list,” she muttered distractedly. She continued to tap away.

Jessie’s eyes widened. “What?”

“Who’s Alfred the Amazing? He just responded saying – oh.” Jessie had snatched the phone from her hand. He stared at the screen in confusion and looked up at her with wide, perplexed eyes.

June laughed as Jessie rolled his eyes and slipped the phone back into his front pocket. She had picked a random contact to add to the authenticity of her mini-prank. “So, it’s New Years Eve! 23:57 on the dot,” Jessie exclaimed joyously.

They looked out the window and Jessie used a gloved hand to wipe some of the frost from the glass so that they could view the falling snow outside. “Yes, I kind of noticed that,” June responded absent-mindedly. She was too distracted by the “outside world” to speak above a dazed whisper. There were couples roaming the streets and families with snow up to their knees. June didn’t like Christmas but she adored New Years. She thought of it as a new beginning, sort of like her very own delete-and-restart button.

“Do you have a New Year’s Resolution?” Jessie asked. He was also looking out the window. He just liked the snow.

It was 12:59.

“I want to turn my life around and become healthier,” June admitted.

“That was my resolution last year,” Jessie responded knowingly.

“How did it go?” June asked.

“Well, I play soccer and baseball, plus I can eat anything green now,” Jessie replied.

“What’s your New Year’s resolution?” June enquired.

Jessie’s thoughtful response was cut off as several combined voices began chanting the ten second countdown to midnight. He shot to his feet and pulled June up from her chair. Their hands were always linked these days so it wasn’t very hard to get her on her feet.

Before either of them could truly comprehend the situation, he had pressed his lips to hers. June’s eyes widened from shock but she quickly closed them and wrapped her arms around Jessie’s neck. She hadn’t realised how tall he was in comparison to her until right now when she had to stand on the tips of her toes.

Jessie’s lips tasted like the Gingerbread Latte he had downed a few minutes ago... but this time June found the taste intoxicating. She wanted more.

As the countdown continued, their kiss grew more and more desperate and their hands became more and more confident in their movements across each other’s bodies.

Not a second after midnight, Jessie pulled away. June’s lips were still puckered. She didn’t want to stop.

Their breathing was laboured and fanned the hair of the person opposite as they stared into each other’s eyes. Jessie moved to push a black lock behind her ear. His grey eyes were alive and buzzing.

“Is it weird that I’ve wanted to do that since the first day we met?” June asked.

She was slightly embarrassed when he began laughing and at first she thought it was at her until he spoke. “I transferred my creamy moustache to your lips,” Jessie said. June joined in on the laughter as she licked her top lip and tasted the remains of his temporary moustache.

They still had their arms wrapped around each other.


And there is the kiss I’ve been waiting for :)

Byeeee <3 nfk350

June and Jessie's Christmas at Starbucks [On Hiatus // Jan 02]Where stories live. Discover now