Dare 2

50 4 4

Wales: "This dare is from Nimi_The_Knight and she dares me to steal all of Scotland's sheep.....




---sheep stealing intensifies---

Wales: "Well I managed to get them all in the attic."

Britain: "Why do I hear baahing coming from upstairs?"

Wales: "You'll find out soon...."

Scotland: *kicks door and it goes flying off it's hinges*

Wales: "Can't wait for another black eye~!"

Author here and awww my poor welsh baby. Anyway I'm not welsh so if you are or know what certain words are in Wales or the UK in general. Please tell me so I can fix them.

In case you have no idea what I'm talking about I'll give you an example.

Americans call pants well pants. Over in England they say trousers. (I believe) Another example would be closet and cupboard. Then some words are spelled differently.

So if I ever make a mistake please tell me I want to make this book accurate and a little less American.

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