Entry 37

27 2 0

Wales: "According to my brother's I ask really stupid questions when I'm drunk.

Apparently according to Scotland I got so wasted that I asked if London was a country.... honestly that really bothers me..... and it really bothered Britain because he went outside, layed in the middle of the street, and told people to rum him over.... I'm not exactly sure of that part happened because when I drink I get blacked out drunk and Scottie told me, but I'd probably do the same thing if some dumbass asked if a city was a country.

Speaking of drunk me I'm so done with life that I drink at 5 am on Monday... On Monday. You don't drink like that until the end of the week. Also it's gotten so bad that I plan to switch the strait vodka... I don't even like vodka.

To be honest I could use a beer right now... Well tims to raid Scotland alcohol cupboard since I drank all mine. Cheers~!"

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