Chapter 4

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I looked down at the rusty carpet on the stairs, which was very similar to the rug I had on my bedroom floor, when I was four. The green, blue and red blobbed patterns on it made the place look like a nursery.

I walked back downstairs to join Tanya and Iffy who were sitting on the sofa watching whatever program the other girls from the care home, who always had control over the television, had put on. We only had fifteen minutes to watch Tv then we'd have to do all our chores.

Iffy looked up at my face when I walked in and followed me with her eyes as I walked to the other side of the red sofa. She could tell something was up, when she saw the remaining concerned look on my face.

I sat down crossing my legs with my head resting in my hand on the edge of the sofa and stared sharply at the television as the girls from the care home yelled "Ew!" And "Yuck!", And pretended like nothing was wrong but Iffy knew something was odd.

She got up and stood right outside the living room door and waved at me silently without making anything obvious. The black arm-like figure that I saw from the corner of my eye, moving eagerly from side to side, by the door caught my attention.

I looked to my right and Iffy stood there motioning for me to come to her. I glanced at the other girls who were very interested in the man eating a black scorpion on the tv and continued to yell words of disgust. Surprisingly, so was Tanya. She usually got grossed out by that stuff.

I got up and walked up to Iffy with a questioning look on my face.
She moved away from the living room door which made me mirror her actions.
"Did you see it too?" She whispered.
"See what?" I whispered too.

"The silver thing in Amy's hand that she hid straight away when I walked into her room?." She said, pointing to the roof when she said the words "into her room".
"Yeah, why? What is it?" I asked.
"Me and Tanya have been trying to figure it out since yesterday, but we don't know."

"Why don't you ask her?" I said.
"I don't know." She said, nervously.
Tanya exited the living room and walked a few steps more to stand next to us.

"What's up with you guys?" She asked.
"She saw Amy holding the shiny thing in her hand too." Said Iffy.
"We need to find out what it is?",
I said. "What is there to hide?"

"Let's do it tonight." Suggested Tanya.
"Do what?" Asked Iffy, confused.
"Find out what it is?!" She said, giving the expression that she was slightly frustrated none of us understood what she was trying to say.
She made a weird face which meant she was in deep thought. Her eyes focused on the wall right behind me.

"I've got a plan.." said Tanya.

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