Chapter 3 : The Asshole

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I got up, brushes off my clothes, straighten my back and with a courage I do not know I had, I poke the guy on his chest.

"You owe me and this guy an apology." The crowd that had gather around us, was stunned that I had the guts to talk back to this guy.

He ward off my hand and before I knew it I was slam onto the wall. Shocked was an understatement. "Stay the hell out of my business girl." He slur. All I can see is red.

I kick him on the shin and before he knew what was coming, I grab his collar and did a lapel drag on him. Now I'm on top of him and does an arm lock on his neck. The crowd gasp, disbelieving that a tiny frame girl like me could take down a well built guy like him.

My parents raised me as a graceful young lady but they also raised me to be independent and strong. Back then they always insist me to take a martial art class so that I can protect myself. So after a while of persuading me, I choose to take jujitsu and judo. And right now I silently thanked my sensei and parents.

"If you think you can bully me that easily, you are wrong asshole."

He squirm trying to get out of my lock but I tighten my grip.

Finally after a minute, he tap my leg and I let go of him and move as far away from him. I maybe able to take him down just now but I am not foolish. That was just pure luck. He did not expect that and that gave me a huge advantage but now he knows I know martial arts move so my trump card is out in the open.

My sense and guard was high. My body went tense when I see he got up and a smirk form on his face. Shit this guy is a psycho. Panick struck inside of me when I see him move towards me. His hand reaching out, but I did not move. Alarm was ringing inside my head. I wanted to move, to run but it seems like I was hypnotized by him. So I shut my eyes close and hope this asshole did not kill me.


I shot my eyes open and stumble a few step back to see the guy hand inches away from my face. Standing infront of me was Charlie, shielding me from the guy and gripping the guy hand so tight that Charlie's knuckle turn white.

I turn my gaze towards the guy.

Taking in his look for the first time, I was bewitch. His hair was as dark as the night, his face was not as I imagine. Rough around the edges, check. Sharp jawline, check. His eyes was gray and it was staring into mine intensly.

I avert my eyes to Charlie who was ready to beat this guy up. I know Charlie can stand his ground if a fist fight was to break, but with this guy I was uncertain.  "Charlie, I'm alright. You can let go of him now."

"But this shit ass-"

"Please. Let him go and let's just go." By now I was pleading.

Charlie eye me for a moment before releasing his grip. He moved infront of me like a mother lion protecting his cub. He grip my face and scan my face. His eyes was wide when he saw the bruise on my left cheek, the aftermath of the fall down.

"You fucker!" Charlie swing his fist before I could stop him. The guy catch Charlie fist like it was a paper plane.

"It's Derek to you, peasent." He gave Charlie an unamused look. While still keeping Charlie fist on lock, he find my eyes again. It felt like the devil was staring into my soul.

"You." he said without breaking the eye contact.

I went still. My heart was pounding.

"Remember this. Today, on 2.30 pm, I Derek Zender, vow to find you and make you my muse."

And with that, my world was begining to crumble.


After the chaotic scene in the club, Charlie made sure I was alright. Derek was carried out by the security guard before I could response to his absurdness. Making me his muse? That Derek must have a loose screw on his brain.

I was snap from my thought, when a cold soothing hand touch my face.

"Let me take a look at that." I winced when he put some ointment on my bruise. He pulled away his hand and sigh.

"I'm a terrible friend aren't I?" He took a seat beside me.

I know Charlie from the front to the back. He would feel so guilty because of the event occured. I try to comfort him by holding his hand. "Hey at least I finally got to test my martial art moves on someone. So that's worth something." I chuckle to lighten the mood. But it only earn a scowl from Charlie.

"Do you know how dangerous that is? He could beat you up Kylie! And I wasn't there with you. How do you think I would feel if I found you in the same state as the guy Derek beat up? I would lose my mind!"

"I know. But I'm alright now Charles. You're with me right now."

I was pulled into a hug. "I'm glad. I'm so glad you're okay. I was so scared when I first found you. The thought of what he could do to you drive me mad." I pat his back, reassuring him. "I'm okay. I'm okay." I whisper to him. We were in that position for a while before he pull away.

"Your parents are going to kill me."

I groan remembering my bruised face. Shit.

When I arrived at home it was almost six. Charlie insist on walking me to my room to make sure I'm okay but I refuse. It takes a lot more of that to shake him off so I made an offer to call him right away after reaching my room.

I was on the six flight if stairs before my mom come from the kitchen and call me out.

"Honey. I did not hear you entering. How was your date with Charlie?" She giggle at her own questions.

Oh yeah mom so great! I almost got beat up by a psycho asshole but other than that everything is perfect!

Yep, I was sure as hell won't say that or she will go on a freak mode. Remembering the fresh bruise, I cover that part with half of my hair and turn around to face her. She was bewildered by my action. "Honey, I know you just turn eighteen but did you... um smoke weed or something?"

"No mom. I'm just... you know happy!" I gave her my best fake chirpy laugh and hold her gaze so that I can convince her.

"Well okay then. Dinner's ready if you want some."

I gave her a nod and ran up to my room.

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