Chapter 5 : The Neighbour

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Knocking on Charlie front door, I waited for someone to open it.

For a while I thought nobody was at home until Mrs.Crawford open the door, beaming her perfect white teeth at me. "Hi there Kylie! I'm sorry I was busy at the kitchen. Come in," she pull me into an embrace and I gladly hug her back.

"You've grown so much since the last time I saw you, which was like a three months ago. Why did you stop coming?"

I fidget not wanting to answer her. If I were to say that I did it to avoid my developing crush on Charlie, she wouldn't stop teasing me like mom did.

"Umm, school stuff and work got so pack lately. I did not have the time." Hoping that she buys my little white lies. Noding in understanding she urge me to take a seat as she is preparing for their dinner. But I refused politely before telling her to why I visited.

"There are some school stuff I need to talk with Charlie. Is he home somehow?"

"Oh yeah. He caught a cold and still resting upstairs." I didn't know he was sick.

"Then, maybe I should come back later Mrs. Crawford. It's not that importa-"

"No!" Both me and Mrs. Crawford was startled by Charlie voice. "God, Charlie. You're going to give your mother a heart attack if you keep doing that! And what are you doing hiding behind those stairs. Come down, Kylie is here to see you." He shamelessly stride down the stairs with only a pants on displaying his perfect six abs.

I avert my gaze immedieatly before he noticed I was oogling over his abs.

"Goodness sakes Charles. Put some shirt on." Mrs Crawford disappear for a moment before bringing him a fresh t-shirt.

He gleefully thanks Mrs Crawford and peck her cheeks. Soon she leave me to talk with Charlie privately.

"A cold huh?" Like I would fall for his act. We went up to his room to get more privacy. "So what's up? You stop coming by my house for a while now, so there must be a reason other than 'school work'." I stole a quick glance at him.

"I met him today."

"Met who?" He move around the bed like an inspector interrogating a suspect. I feel so small even though its not my fault.


It took him a while to register what I am talking about. "What?!" The sheer panick and anger mix in his voice.

"Why didn't you call me sooner? God Kylie. Where did you met him? Are you okay? Did he hurt you again?"

I was as confused as he is. "He's the new transfer student at our school." My voice came out quiter than I imagined.

"That son of a bit-"

"Language Charlie!"

"How the hell did he transfer into our school?" Then we spend hours in his room talking about Derek. The rumour that I've heard of him, how he's a fighter and also the part where he had me pin down on the nurse room. Well I think I should have skip that part out because Charlie was more furious than he was before.

"Kylie, can you please wait outside." He urge me out of the room, leaving me cluelessly.

Then a moment later I heard all this crashing sound follows by a lot of curse word. I wait in silence until the door was opened again. Inside I saw a pile of mess around the floor. A hole that was not on the wall when I first came in, has damaged the interior design. My attention turn to Charlie who was standing in the middle of the room, looking so distant.

"Charlie are you alright?" I reach out to him but he dodge away. I felt a lump forming in my heart.

"You should go Kylie. I'll meet you tommorrow." He turn his head away refusing to look in my direction.

Anger shot through me. Why is he so moody when I'm the one who has to deal with that psycho.

Packing my stuff, I turn to leave the room when he grab my arm. He sigh, " I'm sorry Kylie. I don't know why I acted the way I am right now. It's just, it hurts me to see you being treated like that. I hate when someone else beside me touches you." Although the last part was so faint I barely able to catch it.

"It's okay Charlie." I pushes his srm away gently. "Maybe I shouldn't have tell you this. I'll see you at school." Without taking a glance back I ran downstairs, says a proper goodbye to Mrs Crawford and leave their house.


When I reach home it was about dinner time. Ethan has a sleepover at his friend house while Mom and Dad per usual will be late. Their schedule this week were two times the hectic.

I was chilling at the living room when I saw three moving truck park at the porch of the house infront of mine. I didn't knew there was a new neighbour moving in.

My attention was attracted to the car that follow afterwards. The white range rover park swiftly behind those truck. I inch closer to my window to get a better view of the owner when he got out of the car.

I only got to see the back of his head. He doesn't seems to be that old? Maybe in his early tweenties. Noticing that I act like a creepy neighbour, I decided to close the curtains and continue on. But my hand froze as the owner turn his head. I recognize that face in an instant.

Derek break a smile and wave excitedly as he saw me.

At the same time I pull my curtain close. "What. The. Hell." My back faced the window.

I jumped when I heard knocks on my door. I debate with myself either to open it or not, knowing who's exactly standing behind those door frame. He was relentless on knocking my door. Hesitating my hand reach for the door knob.

"Hi there neighbour." Derek looks different every time we ecounter. The first time, he represent the 'psycho asshole' really well and the second time was as a student body in my school and now this?!

"Derek." my tone was cold and stoic.

"Ouch. Do you want me to offer you my hug so it can melt your cold dead personality?"

"Keep your distance away from me or Derek junior will surely meet my kick."

"Can't promise you anything Kylie. I'm your new neighbour right, so where's the greeting I supposed to get? No biscuits or warm hugs?" I did not know what suprises me more. The fact that he knows my name already or his ignorance.

"If its not clear enough for you, I do not have any interest on knowing you or even becoming your muse. I would like it if you don't bother me."

He chuckles and that just tick me off even more. "Listen here Derek. You came out of nowhere proclaiming your stupid vow, enter my school and now you moved to be my neighbour. Stop being a psycho stalker or I'll take legal action against you."

"And here I thought you will think ny gesture would be romantic." He pat his heart acting like my word has pain him.
This bitch is getting more than he bargain.

That's it!

I slam the door before locking it.

"Nice to meet you too neighbour!" He says before chuckling. I look through the peep hole and sees that he's no longer standing at my porch as he makes his way back to his new home.

God forbid me to have one day of rest.

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