Chapter 7 : The Memories

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School was over just like that. I am glad that I can finally go home and rest. My headache went from worst to feel like somebody is making a punching bag out of it.

I was too tired to walk so I pull out my phone and rang my mom. "Hey mom." When she pick up I could hear some babies crying in the background.

"Hi sweetheart. Can I call you later? I'm a bit busy right now." She hung up and I was left there alone with a major headache.

My back was against the wall as I look up at the sky. The sky was dark. It's going to rain soon. I don't like this a single bit. I've always hated the rain. Not the rain particularly but what comes after it. The thunder. The lightning.

I pull out my phone again and diall Charlie number yet it went straight to his voicemail. Great timing there Charles.

I close my eyes trying to calm my nerves. But a certain pair of grey eyes interupt my piece state. Derek's image pop out inside my mind. His smirk and his heartbeat still linger in my memories, poking every inch of my heart.

After the confrontation in the classroom I miracely manage to avoid him for the rest of school hours. As though sensing that I need more space now after the kiss he put some distance between us.

The thing is, it was my first time. Yeah you might catagorized me as a prude but that's just how I am. Saving all of me for the one. Yet when he did that I couldn't manage to be angry just stunned.

And he knows it too.

Just the thought of it irks me.

"Ugh! Derek you idiot!" I scream venting out at the air.

"If you miss me that much, should have just call me babe, no need to shout."

I jumped, startled from his presence. I thought he was gone.

He join me at the school porch, putting his hand fowards and spreading his palm. "Its going to rain soon," he whisper and turn to look at me. "Do you need a ride?"

I was dumbfounded. Yes he was my best choice right now for the fact that his house is the closest to mine but my inner ego is starting to rise again. So I refuse.

Derek sigh and stop me as I was about to leave. "Don't you think you're being a little mean right now? I thought we could start a fresh start. Even as a friend." His grip was firm on me.

"I'm not mean. I just hate being a burden." My brain tickering some more lame excuses to give to him.

"First of all, you will never be a burden to me. Second of all, you can drop your macho facade right now. I know you can barely walk straight with that headache."

Derek is sure as hell giving me a lot of suprises in one day.

"How did you know?" I stare at him, trying to figure up what is he up too.

"Anyone could see you swaying around every five seconds you walk." I turn away from him, hiding my face. What was I expecting?

"Alright then. I'll take you up on the offer. But it's just a one time only." He smiles and offer to hold my hand to stable me but I decline.

Stupid headaches.

When we arrived in his car the rain pour down heavily.

"You should lower down your seat and take a nap. I'll wake you up when we arrived." I gave him a look and before I could turn away he caught on to what I was thinking.

"I am not a pervert Kylie." He sounded so offensed that I thought I owe him an apology. Well, thought. But I didn't.

"Just drive carefully okay. I am not willing to die at a young age."

"Don't worry babe. I am not going to let   you die to escape me that easily." He tease me. A small smile escape my lips before I turn it to a frown.

Turning my attention to outside I know that the rain will not settle down for a while. The lightning that flashes had me flinch so I close my eyes trying to block it out. As I closes them, darkness engulf me and sleep came.


I see a little girl wearing a pink pocodot dress beaming with happiness running around a field of dendalions. She's full of laughter with the bubble blower in her hand she ran like nothing will stop her.

"Mommy, Daddy! Look a butterfly." She chirped. I could see the figures that are standing behind her, laughing along with her silliness. I couldn't make out their faces but my heart clench, feeling like I am missing something.

The dream change as the scene does. Suddenly my surroundings changes from a field flowers to a field of flame engulfing down a house.

As panick erupts in me I look around frantically for an escape route. I ran through the burning flames avoiding the falling structure when a cry capture me. I turn back to see the same little girl crying over two bodies. She was in a circle of flames, trap within it.

I tried to move my body, I tried but it was useless. It's like the ground has turn into a quick sand, forcing me to watch her fate. I was taken aback when the little girl turn her head towards me and a recognizable pair of eyes stared right into mine.

It can't be. No, no, no!

"Kylie!" My eyes shot wide open, my breathe hitched and my body is full of sweat although the air conditioning is fully operational.

"We're at your house already. Are you okay?" Derek's voice break me from my translucent state. My mind is foggy as I try to recall the nightmare. Then I realize, Derek must have seen it all.

I took a deep breathe trying to recover back my facade. "Yeah I'm fine. Just another bad dream." He looks like he wants to ask more but hesitate and I silently thanked him.

When I look at outside the rain was still pouring heavily. I glance at him for a minute before murmuring a thank you.

"Anytime babe."

Babe. I need to talk to him about the nickname, but for now I'll let it slide.

Derek offer to send me to the door but I didn't give him a choice of a yes or no when I ran out of his car. My body was wet and my clothes feels heavy from the drench. When I got into the house, Ethan was playing his games.

"There's food in the oven I heated it up for you." Well that's nice of him. Before I could climb the stairs Ethan call out to me. "Kylie... it's raining." And I stop short. My hand ball into a fist, knowing what he meant but I plaster a small smile and says "I'll be alright. Thank you Ethan."

"I will be down here if you need anything." he says before continuing to play his games. A meaning only I knew.

Ethan was a pain in the ass but he's the kindest brother I'm glad I had. Besides my parents, Ethan is another person who knew I have issues with rains, lighting and thunder. I used to be afraid of it so much that my body curls up, trembling and I would hide under my bed or in my wardrobe to feel safe. Gradually the trembling decline but the feeling is still the same.

I was still afraid of it. And I do not know why.

As I got up into my room, a text from an unkwon number pop up in my notifications.

"Sleep tight mã muse."

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