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*Lillian's POV*

I struggled to stay awake during my algebra class. Just when it seemed I was about to pass out from exhaustion the professor dismissed.

I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, due to my raging insomnia.

I gathered all of my books and stuffed them into my backpack before heading to the cafe for lunch.

*Louis' POV*

I walked into the cafe and saw her from across the room. It seemed weird, I had never done a case like this. She was so young...and beautiful. I didn't know how to approach her.

I got into the line and bought my food. She sat at a table and I walked over to her.

*Lillian's POV*

"Hi, uh, I'm Louis. I'm new here, do you mind if I sit with you?" I heard a voice ask.

I jumped from my almost slumber.

"Oh- uh yeah sure. Of course," I said, wiping my eyes.

He chuckled, "Thanks."

Then an awkward silence.

"Oh, right. I'm Lillian by the way," I said nervously.

"Nice to meet you. So, what's your major?" he asked.

"English, you?" I asked.

"Fine Arts."

This guy seemed amazing. He was attractive, for one. He also seemed very kind and caring. Just based on my first impression of him, there was an aura around him that I'd never seen on anyone else. It was interesting. He carried himself well.

We continued to talk until the topic of jobs came up.

"Oh, uh y-yeah, I just work at a bakery a couple of towns over," he replied hastily.

I nodded, a little confused to why he was suddenly acting so weird. Maybe I had struck a chord. I tried to shrug it off and continue the conversation.

"That's cool. I just work at the local library. It doesn't pay much but I enjoy it," I said.

He seemed to relax, "Oh that's nice."

I finished my food and sighed, "Well, I guess I should be going. I've got some essays that I need to start."

He nodded, "I'll see you around."

I don't know what within me suddenly plucked up the courage to ask him this. It was almost as if I suddenly became this super confident person.

"Oh, what's your number? Maybe we could hang out sometime soon ya know, outside of school."

His face seemed to light up, "Oh yeah! Definitely."

And he gave it to me.

On my walk back to my dorm I felt like I was walking on the clouds. I had just met this guy but he already seemed like such a nice person.

*Louis' POV*

Lillian wasn't making this any easier for me. She was such a nice girl, it almost made me not want to carry out what I was sent to do.


I couldn't believe she had just asked for my number and given me hers after we had just met. It would make it so much easier to befriend her.


-Lillian's POV-

"Lillian! Get your ass up class starts in 10 minutes!" I heard someone yell as they pounded their fist on my door.

"Shit," I yelled, jumping off of my elevated bed, tripping in the process.

I hastily put on deodorant and pulled clothes on, along with my shoes. I grabbed my bag, quickly made sure I had everything and quickly sprinted out, grabbing an apple on the way.

I sprinted to my class and made it just exactly as the professor had started speaking.

"Nice of you to join us Miss Pitts," he said. "Please take your seat."

I raised my hand at him in apology and quickly found my seat.

I looked in my bag and lo and behold, I of course didn't have a pencil.

I tapped the desk of the person next to me, "Hi, um I'm sorry but would you happen to have a pencil?"

They chuckled, "Sure," and handed me one. I didn't understand why they laughed until I looked up and saw Louis.

"Wow, fancy seeing you here," I whispered.

He laughed, "Right? Maybe it's fate that we're together right now."

I could feel my heart beat speed up. What was this boy doing to me? I barely even knew him!

I nervously laughed, "Something like that."

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