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 I had just walked into my dorm when my phone went off. I dug it out of my pocket to see it was Louis.

"Still up for that coffee? ;) -xx" he said.

I smiled down and replied with "Of course, is 9 tomorrow good for you? I don't have any classes tomorrow."

He messaged back almost instantly, "Yeah, that totally works. See you then!"

I spent the rest of the day in an upbeat and cheerful mood. So much so that it worried my roommates.

"Lil, are you okay? You seem a lot less sad than usual...," one of my roommates Meg told me.

"I mean that's a good thing right?" I asked.

"Well I mean yeah but what caused this sudden happiness? Wait-wait don't tell me," she said before taking my hands in both hands and examining every part of my head. 
"It's a boy."

I laughed a little, "How could you tell?"

"That smile, that one right there. That's the crush smile," she said. 

I shrugged, it was best not to question Meg and her theories. Trust me, she had A LOT of them.


"Hey Lil, do you think rabbits have a favorite music genre? Like when they hop past houses are they just like 'fuck yeah man this song is my jam'."

"How do you think the people who send the astronauts to space feel? The astronauts get all the glory."

"Why didn't Beethoven just label the keys with brail?"


There was no stopping Meg from asking tons of questions. So when she told me she was going to help me pick out an outfit for tomorrow there wasn't really a way I could object.

"No, no listen jeans could totally work with this top," she said as I walked out.

"Meg, my boobs are practically falling out of this," I said.

"I mean hey that might make your date a little more successful eh," she said elbowing me.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not going to fuck him."

She laughed, "fine, fine." She threw a shirt at me, "wear this then."

I ended up just wearing skinny jeans, converse, and a niceish top.


I pulled the hair in my ponytail tighter, took in a deep breath, and walked into the cafe.

I saw him sitting at the table by the window and he smiled when he saw me.

He got up and hugged me, "Hey, how are you?"

I was a bit taken aback by the hug but hugged him back anyway. I set my bag down, "I'm doing okay, how about you?"

He shrugged, "I'm okay. Oh, I waited for you before I ordered."

I smiled, "Aw thanks, you really didn't have to but I appreciate it."

We walked up to the counter and he got a latte while I got a normal black coffee.

I started to pull my wallet out but he put his hand on mine, "I've got it."

"Are you sure? I can pay for mi-"

He smiled at me, "I'm sure. I want to."

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

We got our drinks and walked back to our table.

"Hey, do you mind if I do some homework while we talk? I'm really behind," Louis asked.

I nodded, "Sure, yeah of course."

*Louis' POV*

This girl was so nice. Way too nice for her own good. I opened my laptop and saw I had a message from Jay.

"How's it going?" he asked.

"I think she's close to trusting me, it hasn't even been that long. A bit sad really."

It was almost like I could hear him scoff through the computer screen, "Stupid girl."

I put my status as offline and actually started on some homework.

"So, Louis, how do you like it here?" Lillian asked.

"Eh, it's okay. The classes aren't necessarily that hard but there's this one person that makes it so much better," I said.

"Yeah? Who's that?" she asked, taking a sip of her coffee.


She spit her coffee back into the cup, "Fuck."

I chuckled, "Is that a bad thing?"

She hastily shook her head, "N-no of course not. I'm glad we met."

I smiled at her. 

*Lillian's POV*

Jesus Christ. I'd just met this guy a few days ago and he was already making me feel something I had never felt before in my life. I felt things I didn't even know were possible for me to feel. I felt happy, giggly, overwhelmed, and in awe all at once.

After a while of talking and cracking jokes Louis stood up, "Well, I guess I better be going. I'll see you around."

I stood up and we walked outside, where it was raining.

"Want me to walk you back to your dorm? I have an umbrella," he shouted over the noise created by the rain.

"That would be great!" I said.

We walked in silence. There was no point in talking if we couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

Right when we got to my doorstep and slipped and Louis tried his best to catch me with one arm but he only softened my fall.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" he asked setting the umbrella down.

I nodded, "Yeah, just wet."

He laughed. 

He helped me up with both hands and I looked into his blue eyes. Suddenly, I saw him leaning in. Next thing I knew, I was leaning in too. 

I felt his lips on mine softly as the rain poured down all around us. We broke apart and I smiled. Louis touched his hand to his mouth and just looked at me. Kind of one of those, "I can't believe I just did that" kind of things. 

He hugged me, still stunned and I walked in my hall, soaked to the bone.

-Louis' POV-

Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. 

I can't believe I just did that. As she closed the door I ran, not caring enough to use my umbrella. If Jay found out, I would be the one getting killed. Not her.

I just broke rule two, never have unnecessary physical contact with your victim. I definitely did that. 

God, maybe I don't want to do this anymore?

Rule #1 ||Louis Tomlinson||Where stories live. Discover now