11/19/16 - I Wish

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I wish there was a way I could see in your mind
To know what you're thinking in the darkest of times,
All those thoughts
All the hate
I wish I could make it go away
To let you see what I see.

I only notice the slight changes
I wish I saw earlier on,
The way your smile slowly disappeared,
Until it was gone.
How the glass was suddenly empty
Not a drop left.

I wish I could make it go away,
The anxiety that makes you shake.
And cry.
To hear you sing Ed Sheeran songs
With harmony everyday.

I wish you could just see it
The gifts you've been given.
Your beautiful eyes,
Your dazzling smile.
The voice that deserves,
And is heard.

But most of all

I'm sorry

I'm sorry I didn't notice,
The tiniest details change,
The signs you were telling me,
But I stupidly ignored.
I wish I didn't.

I wish

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