8/07/18 - Flowers From Afar

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I see flowers from afar

so vibrant and beautiful

they are all different 

shapes and colors

each taking their time 

to bloom

to get just right

before saying hello

to the world.

All they need is a 

little sun,

a little rain,

a little love

to thrive.

I feel like we could learn

a lot from nature.

They don't ask for too much,

most are not 


Each type is unique and has different yet the same needs.

Are people like flowers?

Are the only things we need

in life are sunshine, rain and


The sunshine is the happiness 

in our lives; 

everything seems

bright and colorful and divine.

The rain is the time of 


things seem

bad but it's the moments that

let us appreciate the sunshine

even more; 

that shape us into who we are.

The love is the people who

plant us; check for the weeds

in our lives,

make sure we have 


soil, enough sunshine and

enough rain.

Like the flowers we have our

moment of hello, our growth,

and additional beauty

for the world. 

And like the flowers 

we get older and 

we get wrinkles. 

We have our times of goodbye.

It is the true circle of life 

happening everyday.

Nothing stays the same

nothing lives forever.

But we can appreciate 

the allureness of the

flowers around us.

And observe them from 


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