The start

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I open my eyes. I opened them like it is a new beginning. Ready to start over.
It has been an amazing school year. Going through ups and downs, old and new friends. But now that it is over. I can spend the rest of summer at the North Star Lodge.

"Skye, get your bags and put them in the trunk." My dad, Ed said helping me out of bed.

"I'm so excited to see Grandad at the lodge!" I clapped my hands happily.

"Me too. After your mom died, I think he needs a little comfort, don't you think so?" Dad asked as I gathered my bags.

"Ya, especially when he is running the lodge at the same time." I went downstairs.

I put my shoes on and open the door carefully. My dad had the trunk already open for me. Thanks dad. I put the luggage in.

"Get in the front seat, Skye." Dad locked the front door.

I nodded and got in. My eyes still adjusting to light. I slightly close them.

"Skye, don't fall asleep." Dad laughed instantly.

"Alright, alright." I chuckled with him.

He started the car and pushed his foot on the pedal. Our journey to the North Star Lodge began.

"It's Josh." My phone rang. That was my ring tone for my best friend, Josh.

I opened my phone and went onto FaceTime.

"Hey! How's it going?" Josh asked while eating some chips.

"Going well." I continued "Although some music would be nice."

I turned on the radio and my favorite song played: Starting Over, Starting Now.

"Cause today got wings and we all are in. This where I song begins. Roll the windows down, take it in the sound,
it's new kicking in." I sang with the song.

"Very good for someone who has never sung before." Josh happily said.

"Oh, stop it." I replied happily.

Suddenly, the car stopped and my head went back.

There was a tall dude on his bike. I turned my phone off and went outside.

The guy spoke, "Sorry, guys. I didn't mean too."

"It's okay but I think we need to fix the engine." My dad scratched his head in disbelief.

The guy shouted, "Ben!"

Another guy with his bike came riding toward us. 

"What's the problem here?" Ben asked with concern.

"Oh, they just need for YOU to fix the engine." The other guy said.

Ben nodded, "Are you guys going to the North Star Lodge?"

I nodded my head in reply.

"I'll take what's your name? To the lodge." The other guy said as he handed me a helmet.

"It's Skye by the way." I said hopping on his bike.

"My name is Sean." Sean started to pedal."Are you from the city?"

"Yes, I am." I hugged his chest.

"So where's your mom?" He said.

I hesitate, "She died about a year ago."

"Sorry, about that." Sean stopped at the entrance to the lodge.

-third person P.O.V-

"Whose that?" Kaylee says as she and Noah, tall boy with smooth black hair and headphones around his neck walked to meet up with Sean.

Sean was with a young blonde-hair girl. She looked about fifthteen.

"Hi! I'm Skye! Who are you guys?" The blond-haired girl ran up to Kaylee and Noah.

"Kaylee." Kaylee rolled her eyes.

Noah replied, "Mine's Noah."

"Grandad!" Skye ran to the owner of North Star Lodge.

"Ugh, that girl is his granddaughter." Kaylee said in disgust.

Sean sighed, "Come on, Kayles. She's new here."

"Does Skye know about it?" Noah jestered.

"Hopefully not. I don't know if she knows." Sean took his helmet off.

Kaylee moved her braids to the back, "Sometimes secrets are better to keep secret."

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