Very Formal Discussion #2

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Very Formal Discussion #2:
Opinions about the A Series of Unfortunate Events Netflix TRAILER

• Trailer is up above in the media section.

Right now, I know most of you volunteers have already watched the NEWEST asoue Netflix TRAILER (yes trailer, not anymore teasers, thank God!) -- so if you haven't, please watch it in Youtube or in the media up above! 😁

So far, there are many toxic opinions and comments about this trailer, particularly under the Youtube comment section where the trailer was posted. The first time I watched it, I thought it lacked what the 2004 film had: melancholy.

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely appreciated the set production, and the Count Olaf jokes were spot on for me, but I just think it lacked the sadness that the books and the film had. Yes, the film was humorous, but it just had this dark, meancholic vibe -- especially on the Baudelaire children (since they wearing dark clothes). As much as I understood that they were wearing the clothes that Mr. Poe gave them, (but were they really? Since at the scene where Violet throws rocks, she was already wearing a pink dress which was quite... off) I kinda missed that dark, Victorian clothes they wore.

Yes, I know they have to look rich and all, but didn't Violet hated the color pink? It was as if the Baudelaires were made to be colorful in a dark, gray world, which was weird considering THEY were the ones rife with misfortune, not the world, no matter how treacherous the world can be. The Baudelaires were the ones experiencing the a series of unfortunate events so them being colorful lacked that melancholic vibe that they were supposed to have.

But I still have high hopes for this series after watching it for several times. All we have to do is trust Netflix, Daniel Handler and the staff behind its production. Because so far, at least let us appreciate their effort of really putting their heart and mind in this project, and for giving this wonderful book series another chance for us to get a live adaptation of. 💖

UPDATE: Who do you guys think the blonde girl at the end of the trailer is?Any thoughts? 😂 At first I thought it was Esmé with how she looked and acted, but I realized Esmé would never want her own boyfriend to be brought to prison so... maybe Jacquelyn or Sally Sebald? She can also be Kit Snicket but as far as I know, Kit has two pencils (or were those chopsticks -- God I have to quickly finish re-reading the series, haha! 😂) in her hair(?) 😂😁

Anyway, now, I want you guys to tell me YOUR opinions about the trailer in the comment section! 😁💖

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