1: the worst day of my life

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"I Damien Lockwood, reject you, Ava Wilson as my mate."

With those words I felt my soul shatter into a thousand excruciating pieces. Salty tears streamed uncontrollably down my face as I felt like my heart was literally tearing apart. It was the worst pain I'd ever experienced. Worst than shifting for the first time. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe, all I could feel was the pain.

I slid down the tree and landed in a crumpled, broken heap on the ground. My palm gripped the dirt and I let out a scream of pure anguish as our mate bond was ripped savagely to shreds. It felt like a limb being torn off, except you can't physically see a mate bond, it's so deep inside your soul that there's really nothing to compare it to.

The wind howled relentlessly, taking branches down and blowing leaves around the forrest. Dark, heavy storm clouds gathered above but I didn't care, all I could think was how in that moment, I wanted to die.


That, my friends, was the worst day of my miserable existence. I'm Ava, if you didn't realise, and Damien? He's the douche that is my mate, well, my ex-mate. Want to know the depressing sob story behind that absolute shitshow of a day? Fine.

It all went down on the day after I turned sixteen. Sixteen is the age that all werewolves have their first shift, meeting the wolf that's inside each of us. It's also the age that we have the chance to meet our mates. Mate is short for soul mate. A mate is our other half, one and only, true love, perfect match, so on, blah blah blah.

Or so I thought.

Some people are unlucky and don't find their mates for years. It's even said that wolves who never meet their mate can die of depression, killing the person they're apart of. It's pretty rare though. Mates usually find each other in the first few years of turning 16. The universe draws them to each other.

I was supposedly lucky. My birthday was on a Sunday. I shifted (and jeez was it painful) and met my wolf, Alexis. Lexi has a beautiful chestnut coat and despite being quite small, has a strong build and a fierce personality to match. I was so happy to have her and we couldn't wait to find our mate and his wolf.

On the Monday I went to school as usual when almost immediately the most amazing smell I'd ever come across hit me. It was indescribable but it smelt like home and love and everything good in the world.

I tracked the scent halfway around the school to a beautiful being known as Damien Lockwood. AKA the schools bad boy and Mr Future Alpha. Damien is super popular and every girl drools over him.

As I stood staring in absolute disbelief he looked up and caught my gaze. Can we just appreciate how attractive that particular specimen is? I mean... wow. As we locked eyes I couldn't believe my luck. He was a few months older than me which meant he already knew I was his mate. I didn't mind that he hadn't told me, lots of people wait for their mate to discover it on their own so that they too can experience the beautiful magic and surprise of finding out who your mate is.

But then the bell went and he dropped his eyes and disappeared around the corner.

The rest of the day went past painstakingly slowly. Damien was all I could think about. During class, I sat and imagined our future. Everything was so amazingly perfect, I'd never been happier in my life and I hadn't even talked to him yet! When the final bell went I was up and out of the classroom like lightning.

I caught Damien making tracks towards the trees by our school. They were a short cut to our neighbourhood. When I saw him, the butterflies in my stomach intensified by 10.

I ran up to catch up to him. "Damien." I called out.

He glanced briefly back at me before turning away and walking faster towards the trees as if he hadn't seen me. This hurt me a little bit. Why was did he just ignore me? He must have a reason though. We're mates, he would never intentionally hurt me.

I picked up my pace until I reached his side.

"Damien, stop." I pleaded, touching his arm.

He sighed and reluctantly turned around. I was super confused at this point.

"Ava." He stated, looking beyond me blankly, as if he was slightly bored.

"Why are you walking away from me? You must know we're mates?" I asked, unsure.

"Yeah, well... yeah." He said slowly.

"Well what? What do you mean? Why are you acting like this?" I questioned frantically. The wind had picked up with my heart beat and was blowing my hair all over the place.

He shrugged and glanced around, probably hoping no one was seeing us talking.

"I don't know. It's just that I'm me and you're... you." He finished simply as if that meant something.

I was so hurt and confused. I didn't understand. We were mates, for crying out loud! This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. What did he mean by 'you're you'? I might not be super popular, but I'm wasn't a nerd either. I may not be the prettiest girl, but I wasn't ugly.

He sighed again and looked at me. "Listen Ava, let me put this simply. I don't want you."

His words sliced into my heart like a cruel knife. I felt the air abandon my lungs in a rush that left me winded.

"Let me make this clear for you. I, Damien Lockwood, reject you Ava Wilson..." blah blah blah... tore my heart out... blah blah blah. You know how that ends. So there we have it, my life changing moment.

As soon as I was done feeling sorry for myself, crying on the ground, I ran home and told my parents what had happened.

My heartache was soon replaced by a burning anger. Anger at Damien for rejecting me, for some shallow reason. Angry at him for ruining my future, my life. Angry at him for hurting me and making me want to die. It may seem extreme, but that's what mates mean to us. Or are supposed to mean anyway.

I told my parents I couldn't bear to see his disgusting face ever again. My parents, of course, understood. They knew what this type of rejection could do a werewolf. 

There was no one there that I would miss very much. I never really had many close friends. So, without further ado, we moved.


Hey guys, it's Amelia!

Thanks so much for reading. I have high hopes for this story.

Please like and leave me a comment if you want :))

Have a wonderful day!

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