5: the fallout

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I woke up the next morning feeling groggy. Probably a mixture of the alcohol, lack of sleep and my emotional state.

But it's a school day and unfortunately the bell doesn't budge for slightly hungover, hormonal teenagers. I change out of the party clothes I fell asleep in and jump in the shower. After a few minutes of cold water I get dressed and finish getting ready. My mind replays yesterdays events as I run a brush through my hair.

Ugh, I need a clearer head for this. Besides, I'm not going to get all heart broken just because some hot guy didn't kiss me. I'm better than that. I go downstairs into the kitchen and quickly make myself a smoothie and chuck it in a cup, as I'm running late. I grab my bag and keys, yell a goodbye to my mum then head out the door.

As I walked towards my locker, I couldn't help but hope I see Logan. I'm praying it isn't awkward though.

I'm getting my stuff for first and second period out of my locker when I recognise a voice. I see one of the girls from the group a few lockers up from me.

"Hey. It's Lucy, right?" I turned to her.

"That's my name. What's up, Ava?" She smiled.

"Not much, just a killer headache from the party last night. I didn't see you there."

"Yeah, I wasn't at the party. I'm failing science, I had to stay home and study. Lame, I know."

"Not at all." I replied.

"So how was the party? Pretty good by the sounds of it."

"Yeah it was fun."

"I heard you were talking to Logan Moore for a lot of the night." She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... How'd you know if you weren't there?"

"Word travels fast in this school."

My eyebrows shot up. "In this school? Why does the whole school know, or care?"

"Logan come here over a year ago and in all that time he's never expressed any interest in a girl, let alone dated. It's a bit weird, seeing as he's really hot and really popular. The girls at this school are all over him. But he seemed to have shown an interest in you straight away. Some people here are... confused." Lucy told me.

"But we just talked!" I exclaimed.

"Listen, we have to get to class. Where are you off to." She changed to subject.

I looked down at my timetable.

"Umm... geography. With Mrs Campbell."

"Same!" She grinned. "Walk with me?"

"Sure." I smiled back.

"So you just talked? Word is you hooked up by the rocks." She mentioned casually.

I stopped in my tracks and my mouth fell open. "Are you serious? That is so not what happened!"

Lucy laughed. "I'm just kidding. It's just a bit of jealous gossip about the hot mysterious ex-new guy who talks for hours to the hot mysterious new girl at a party. Don't worry about it, it'll pass by the end of the day."

I sighed. "I hope so."

"But jokes aside, did nothing happen? Nothing at all? You just talked?" Lucy pressed.

We walked into class and sat down towards the back of the room as everyone gradually arrived.

"Well," I hesitated, "There was something. So we'd been walking along the beach and talking for ages then we sat up on the rocks. I don't know if it was just me but it seemed like we were connecting and then we made this really intense eye contact and we were suddenly really close so I lean in a little and then..."

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