3: someone new

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The end of school bell rang at 3:10pm and I got a bus home. It turns out Chloe, Grace and Max all lived quite close to me and caught the same bus. I hadn't talked to them that much at break so it was good to talk more on the bus.

As soon as I got back I started fretting on what I was going to wear to the party. I jumped in the shower and when I got out I saw I had a text from Kyle.

Hey bunny, will pick you up at 5:45 bc party starts @ 6pm. Ends at 11pm, school night :( What number house are you?

I replied with the number and soon after he confirmed saying See you soon!

The party was going to be at the beach so it would be quite casual. And although it was warm, there would be a breeze by the ocean. Eventually I settled on a white sort of crop/bralette and white shorts with a lacy white cardigan over the top. The days curls were still holding so I left them in and went over my makeup but mostly kept it the same.

After completing my look, I checked my phone for the time: 5:35. For the remaining 10 minutes I fished around on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for the groups social media accounts.

At 5:48 Kyle pulled up outside and beeped once. I grabbed my phone and yelled a goodbye to my parents.

Kyle rolled down the window, there were others already in the car. "Hop in, sugar" He called.

Liam was in the passenger seat and Lauren was in the back with a girl I didn't recognise.

"This is my girlfriend, Emma. Emma, this is Ava, the new girl." Lauren introduced me to the girl in the back.

"Hey, it's nice to meet you." I smiled.

"You too. These idiots were just telling me about you. You look amazing. by the way!" Emma laughed.

I laughed along. "Thanks. All good things, I hope.

The beach was beautiful. The sun was setting and the sky was a canvas of pink, orange and blue. The waves rolled gently onto the warm, soft sand and a gently breeze was blowing. A bonfire was ablaze with a reasonably large crowd laughing, chatting and dancing to the music. I smiled, this looked like the type of scene that new me would enjoy.

Alice hopped up to me, Jay in tow, and let go of him to give me a hug.

"Hey babe! I can't wait for everyone to meet you. Come on!" She began tugging me in the direction of the people.

Lauren chuckled. "Go easy on her, Alice."

Before we got very far, Kyle blocked our path, linking arms with me, pulling me away.

"Hey!" Alice protested, "She's mine!"

"You can have her later, sweet cheeks." He yelled over his shoulder. "You can thank me later, apple blossom." He said to me.

Nearing the crowd, Kyle caught sight of someone he recognised. He dragged me over.

"Hey there, hot stuff." Kyle called, grinning.

The guy turned around. Oh-my-god he was hot! He caught sight of Kyle, rolling his eyes but grinning back, then noticed me. His smile dropped a little and his eyes widened. He cleared his throat then averted his gaze.

Kyle didn't seem to notice his reaction. "You are looking fine tonight, boo. And you smell amazing!" He flirted.

I had to agree with him on that one.

The guy chuckled. "I wish you would accept that I'm not gay, Kyle."

"There's no harm in trying though, right?" Kyle grinned.

The guy turned back to smile at me. "Anyway, who's this? I haven't seen you around."

His smile was beautiful. I couldn't stop staring like an idiot.

"Oh! How rude of me, this is Ava, she's new. And, on the topic of not being gay, she's totally mateless.

I blushed but hurt a little too, knowing the deeper truth behind his words.

"I'm Logan, nice to meet you." He held out his hand.

"You too." I said, shaking it.

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