My Tutor

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It had been nearly a month since that incident in the Bay Diner and a lot has happened in that time, one of which was Jamie's bullies had been put in jail for a short time, then when they were released they had to face the Dean of the University about charges being brought before him over incidents of bullying on campus to more than just one individual...not just Jamie. They pleaded that they were falsely accused but some of the people they had bullied came forward with undeniable proof and on that day Travis, Frankie and Felicia were expelled from the University forever. When Jamie heard of what happened from Kayla and Chloe he felt such utter relief that he would never be subjected to their torments anymore that he almost did a dance in the hallways before classes...but some how he restrained himself for it would be very unchristian like to celebrate in another's misery. Maybe he should have restrained himself a bit more in the enthusiasm not having such a cheerful grin on his face when he heard the news because it was shortly after hearing such glorious news that his car decided to go to the great car god in the sky. His once reliable and trustworthy car, one day just up and died on him...leaving him stranded by the side of the road where he ended up having to call upon his two friends to come and rescue him. Now it seems Jamie was doomed to taking the public transportation everyday to get to school...fighting through the rain when it came down to make it on time to class. Another thing to happen to Jaime was his familiarity to Keiran O'Shea, whom he found out shortly after waking up in his arms, was a professor of Math at the same University he attended. Once he never saw the man on campus anywhere since he started attending this school, now he saw him everywhere he looked. On some level it was disconcerting to say the least but on the other it was mind blowing, for each day this gorgeously powerful man would seek him out to say hello to and ask how his day was going. If Jamie didn't know better he would swear Mr. O'Shea was interested in him but that was impossible because there wasn't anything interesting about him for such a gorgeous...wonderful...perfect man as O'Shea to be interested in. In Jamie's mind Keiran needed some one just as kind, caring and perfect as him, not someone painfully shy, scrawny of build, or with low self esteem like Jamie....Keiran O'Shea and Jamie Winters could never be together , not in this reality but in his fantasies that was a different story entirely. In those fantasies they were lovers who shared such passion that it rivaled any story ever told....if only fantasy was reality...wouldn't that be amazing.


It was Thursday morning and Jaime was dejectedly walking away from the tutoring cubicle where he had come to in hopes to better understand Geometry that he was failing in....his only hope laid in passing the mid-term exam he had on Monday morning. He had come here to seek out some aid in making sense of all the laws and rules that his math teacher, a Mr.Stevens... not O'Shea, had taught them these past few months. Jaime guessed he placed to much hope in the math tutor making sense of all those equations because he left just as confused about it as when he arrived ...or maybe he just sucked at Math and this was the universes way of telling him to change his major from architecture to something less mathy. He hung his head at that thought and trudged on discouragedly walking down the hallway as he made for his next class, drafting, that started within the hour. He wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, when suddenly he crashed into a wall and knocked himself backwards. He felt himself falling for a second when abruptly arms wrapped around him and stopped his backwards descent. Looking up Jaime realized it wasn't a wall he hit but Keiran O'Shea and he felt heat spread from his face downwards from mortification.

"I...I...I'm sorry Mr. O'Shea. I didn't mean to walk into you, sir. I...." Jaime stammered out to the gorgeously dark haired man as his breathing sped up slightly...mortified that he had collided into the one man he held the biggest crush for since the moment he gazed upon him in that diner as he laid in those strong arms that currently were holding him once more in.

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