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(authors note at the end)
((btw there's sex in this chapter, you're welcome))

"You aren't safe here anymore."

They're the first words Blue says to me when we make it back to my room, her hands grabbing at the roots of her long, silky, black hair. She makes a noise of frustration and kicks my bedframe, the wood snapping from the force of it and her foot cracks like a twig.

"Baby, calm down," I say, willing the anxiety bubbling in my stomach to subside. "It was a stupid letter, probably a prank or-"

"You don't fucking get it, Allison!" She snaps, "I actually give a fuck about you, okay? You're the only person here that I genuinely care about. I won't...they won't take you away from me."

I sit down on the side of my mattress, hands clasped in my lap solemnly. My mind races, telling me to do something but reminding me I can't do anything, screaming for me to fix it but I can't fix what I already broke and-

I hear her crying before I see her crying. A small hiccup. A sniffle. Her arms crossed against her chest, hair fallen on her face and my mind clears until all I can think of is her.

"Baby," I whisper, getting up and hugging her from behind, my head resting on the space between her shoulder blades. I lead her to the bed, pulling the blankets over us and holding her close. We stay like that, my hand clutched in hers and mumbling sweet nothings into the air until she finally speaks.

"Faith," she mumbles, her voice weak and groggy.


"My name is Faith."

It sounds odd, like a broken puzzle piece that just doesn't fit. "Faith," I say, "Faith. Why did you...why is it Blue?"

"Blue...Blue is more than a color to me," she explains, quiet and soft, "blue is an emotion, a conundrum, a safe place. I wanted to be more than what my ignorant bitch of a mother pushed me to be. I wanted...I wanted to be Blue. Here, I'm Blue. Out there," she pauses, presses her lips to my knuckle, "out there, I'm Faith. And I never wanted to be Faith. I wanted to be more than what the world had in store for me."

I don't answer for a while, mostly because I don't have a damn thing to say, nothing that could fill such a pregnant silence. Blue keeps my hand to her lips, kissing my palm and knuckles and veins, her warm hands on the skin of my hip.

"We'll find out who's in Hall 20."

Blue tenses. "Its not safe."

"You're right. It's not," I agree, brushing her hair from her eyes, "but for once, I found something worth the risk."

She smiles, old tear tracks staining her cheeks and she kisses me sweetly, slowly letting it turn sensual.

"Make love to me, Allison," she mumbles, pulling me on top of her, "please baby."

"Of course, yes," I say, pulling off her shirt as my lips come to her neck, sucking and kissing and occasionally biting the pale skin there.

My shirt is thrown across the room within a minute, the texture of the lace on my bra leaving indents in the skin of Blue's hips as I kiss my way down her stomach. I pull her panties to the side, the black ones with the red bow that she knows drive me crazy, and do what I do best.

Afterward, when we've both been fucked out and exhausted, she leaves three lovebites on my chest.

"One for every word I can't say," she tells me.

I leave three on hers, to say it back.

hi, im gonna be revising stuff and probably adding some stuff to some chapters.
ive been doing much better mentally and i really hope to get back into the swing of things.
thank you, love you all 💞

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