Chapter 1

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Marco's POV

I banged and banged on Star's bedroom door. "Star!" I yelled. "Wake. UP!"


My name, is Marco Diaz. Welcome to my life.

I live with a girl named Star. She's a magical princess exchange student from another dimension. There's also this weird bird thing named Ludo who wants Star's wand so that he can grow a huge body, make everyone fear him, and become a hot lifeguard. Yep. It may sound weird, but it's true. Anyway, back to the story.

"She must of overslept again." I grumbled. Oh, I forgot to mention. Star is a really, and I mean REALLY heavy sleeper. I continued to pound on the door. "STAR!!! WE HAVE TO LEAVE IN TEN MINUTES!!!"

"Just... a little more... sleep Marco." I heard Star whisper. Well, at least she's actually awake.

"No time for sleep, Star." I exclaimed. "Today's the day we find out who's participating in the yearly student exchange program!"

"Wait... THAT'S TODAY?!?" Star yelled.


I stood outside the door. I heard banging, blasting (from Star's wand), and laser puppies. "What the heck are laser puppies?" You ask? A long story. That's what they are. Suddenly, Star swung the door open with messy hair, uneven stockings, and a piece of toast sticking out of her mouth.

"I'm ready!" Star said after spitting the toast out in a trash can.

"We have no time to waste!" I grabbed Star's hand and we ran down the stairs and out the door. As we ran to school my phone rang. I picked it up.

"Who is this?" I asked.

"Hey Marco." I'd recognized that laid-back voice anywhere. Jackie. Lynn. Thomas. My. Crush.

And she's calling me.



Sorry bout dat. 😐

"Wassup Jackie?" I asked. Wassup? Really Marco W. Diaz? REALLY?!?

"Are you coming to school today?" She asked. "Ms. Skullnik is going to say who is going to Paris for the field trip. Only 20 students are chosen."

"I know, I know." I panted. "I'm on my way."

I shut off my phone. We were approaching our destination. Echo Creek Academy. Star and I don't have a class together until 3rd hour, so we waved goodbye before splitting up. I ran into Ms. Skullnik's classroom. Because of a spell that Star cast on accident, my first hour teacher is a troll goblin thingy.

"Late again, Mr. Diaz." Ms. Skullnik groaned.

I sat down in my seat, waiting for Ms. Skullnik to finish attendance. I swear, that woman-err-troll goblin thingy, is so slow. It takes her half the class to just do attendance. -_-

"Alright class." She groans. "Two of you will be chosen to go to Paris for our yearly exchange student program. This year, we are participating with Françoise DuPont High School. The ones joining this year are..."

Part of me wanted to yell: "JUST TELL US ALREADY!" But I remained quiet.

"Marco Diaz and Jackie Lynn Thomas."

I looked over at Jackie. She sent me a wink. Wait, A WINK. A WINK. I think I might faint. The bell rang. I walked out of the classroom and tripped over something. I looked behind me. It was a bracelet, made of a red string and a light green string. Weird. I wonder who it belongs to. I grabbed it and ran to my next class.

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