Chapter 5

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Ok, I'm gonna say something before this chapter starts.


Marinette's POV

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I yelled as I rushed into the bakery.

"Hey Mari!" My dad was behind the counter. "Wanna macaroon?"

"Yeahsurethanksbye!" I grabbed a pink macaroon, rushed upstairs, and hopped onto my laptop.

"What's the rush?" Tiki asked, flying out of my backpack.

"Marco's gonna be online in a few minutes!" I said excitingly.

"So? You guys are always on that game together."

"I know, but this is the last time we're going on before we meet in person!"

"Wow, so romantic." Tikki floated onto my pile of books.

"Tikki, shut up!" I told her. "I don't have a thing for him."

"Sure..." I rolled my eyes as I logged in. After I was spawned into a lobby, I looked around for a brawler in a red hoodie. Soon, I heard a "Bing!" noise.

"KarateKid26 has invited you to a private lobby." I read.

"Private lobby?" Tikki looked up. "I've never heard you mention one of those before."

"I've never been invited to one." I replied. "But, it's Marco, so..." I clicked the green accept icon.

I spawned in a new lobby in a forest setting. I looked at the chat.

KarateKid26: Hey Mari! I brought some friends if you don't mind.
TheGirlWhoBakes: No problem! :)
TheGirlWhoBakes: Where r u?
KarateKid26: Whoops! Forgot to put tracker on...

I soon saw four trails. One red, one yellow, one green, and one blue. I noticed they were all going in the same direction, so I followed them. I saw Marco along with three girls I didn't recognize. One once a sorceress, the second was a healer, and the third was an archer like me.

PrincessStarButterfly: Hi! :D
Bringontheneon: Hey :)
SeanceSurvivor3: Sup
KarateKid26: These are my friends! Princess is Star, Neon is Jackie, and Survivor is Janna.
TheGirlWhoBakes: Nice to meet you guys!
SeanceSurvivor3: So what'd ya guys wanna do?
KarateKid26: I thought we could raid some dungeons.
PrincessStarButterfly: YAY!
Bringontheneon: I'm down for that
SeanceSurvivor3: Sure
TheGirlWhoBakes: Sounds good!

Marco started to teleport us and were brought into the online world of Dungeon Master, where all of the players would gather resources. I heard a little "bloop" sound and checked the bottom of my screen.

I_Like_Cats_2 sent you a friend request.

I didn't know who it was, so I ignored it. Another bloop.

I_Like_Cats_2 sent you a Private Message.

Hi Marinette! It's Adrien from school :)

"ADRIEN?!" I yelled out loud.

"Adrien?" Tikki flew over. I sent him a message.

TheGirlWhoBakes: How did you find me on here?
I_Like_Cats_2: Alya told me.
TheGirlWhoBakes: Of course she XD
I_Like_Cats_2: Also, your username is pretty obvious ;)

"HE SENT ME A WINKY FACE?!" I whisper screamed. I was glad that I was behind a computer screen so I couldn't be seen freaking out.

I_Like_Cats_2: So, are you excited for the new students coming tomorrow?
TheGirlWhoBakes: Yeah, I can't wait to meet them! :)

Bloop. Bloop. Bloop bloop bloop.

"Shoot!" I thought. "I completely got distracted by Adrien and forgot about Marco!"

TheGirlWhoBakes: I gotta go, see ya tomorrow!
I_Like_Cats_2: Later! :P

I switched over to the other chat.

KarateKid26: Hey Marinette! Are you coming?
KarateKid26: Mari?
KarateKid26: Uh
KarateKid26: Hello?
KarateKid26: You there?

"Marinette?" My mom opened my trapdoor and I spun around in my chair. "You father and I have to go out, can you run the shop while we're gone?"

"Sure mom!" I smiled as she left, then went to message Marco.

TheGirlWhoBakes: Sorry, I have to go. Bye!
KarateKid26: Oh, ok. See you in a bit!

"Wait!" Said Tikki as I was about to log out. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"You're right!" I said.

Adrien's POV


TheGirlWhoBakes accepted your friend request.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2017 ⏰

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