First Rule of Gym Class - 6

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Holding my clothes loosely in my arms, I looked at myself in the mirror. While the combat boots made me look badass, the rest of it was just kind of stupid. Loose, bulky cargo pants were the same black as the boots, looking almost like parachute pants. My new shirt was a bright red, almost the same shade as my hair. With a formal looking collar and carefully pressed sleeves, I looked like I must have been working at a bible camp or something. I laughed at the thought when someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to see James wearing a nearly identical red shirt, while Simon wore a deep blue version. Both of them looked uncomfortable, scratching at their necks from their collars rubbing their skin. We hadn't learned yet what the different groups were, but we knew that James and I were in the same group. I tossed my clothes in the locker I had been assigned and we returned to the dorm room.

The entire place consisted of the dorm room, a locker room, a shower room, and a bathroom. In theory, we had no reason to leave this area other than to get food. That or classes, which were related to our groups. Laying down on my bed again, I closed my eyes. James and Simon started chatting as I let myself relax.


"In this corner, we have Pu Ching Baag, facing his old rival." Max swung an arm towards me, "And in this corner, defending her title, Scarlet Harbringer!"

I laughed, trying not to drop my stance, "Can't I just work out?"

"Scarlet Harm-Bringer is bound to destroy the competition! Go get 'em!"

Resisting the urge to laugh, I raised an arm to hit the punching bag. Max cheered me on along the way, becoming only louder as I grew tired.

"Come on, how are you going to be the world champion of kicking ass if you punch like a pansy?" He teased, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Oh really? Do pansies punch like this?" I hit the punching bag hard enough it would have hit me back if I hadn't jumped out of the way.

"We have a winner!" Max chanted, grabbing my wrist and raising it into the air, "Scarlet retains her title of the ultimate champion of everything in the world!"

While I laughed I pulled my arm back and wrapped him in a sweat drenched hug, which he happily returned with less sweat.


"Listen up, delinquents!" Pharlain yelled yet again, making me think we'd be deaf by next week, "You've got colours, and you're being split up. Listen to what I've got to say because I'm not gonna say it twice."

"Talk into my good ear, then." I smirked, causing Pharlain to scowl.

"Reds, first floor of education wing. Blues, first floor of medical wing. Greens, second floor of education wing. And yellows, first floor of maintenance wing. Now don't go and get killed."

So she left us to find our way around, and I wasn't going to waste any time. Pushing myself to my feet, I started towards the door. James and Simon caught up without mentioning it, telling me I'd become their leader. It seemed like I had the confidence they lacked, and wouldn't push away two perfectly fine guys.

Once we were back in the main room - hallway? I didn't know - we looked for the wings we had to go to. The medical wing was next to the dorm wing, and the education wing after that. Simon walked into a waiting room that smelt like disinfectant as we continued on.

The moment we passed through yet another set of doors identical to all the others, there was a man waiting for us. He looked to be in his late forties, perhaps even early fifties, but was clearly very healthy. Muscular and obviously confident, he had short greying hair and a silver tinted goatee. He wore a tank top and sweatpants, as well as expensive looking sneakers. He smiled as if genuinely happy to see us.

Speaking in a booming voice that seemed to echo by itself, he caught me off guard, "Our new recruits from squadron six! Good to see you two. Harbringer and Bradley, right?"

We both nodded.

"Good. You're friends with Laynes, aren't you?"

"Yeah." James smiled, and I assumed that must have been Simon's last name. Our shirts had our initials and numbers on the arms, as well as our squadron number. SH-S6-06 dubbed me as Scarlet Harbringer, squadron six, number six. The other two were JB-S6-16 and SL-S6-11. I supposed it was a good way to keep track of who was who.

"Come on into the gym, then, and I'll get you guys set up." The man smiled, "I'm Wexler, by the way."


Once changed into colour coordinated gym outfits that still held our labels, the five of us stood in the gym. Two of the other boys looked to be in good shape, and the last boy was just kind of mediocre. The people they'd gathered suggested it could be a randomized group, but I just wasn't sure.

Wexler was our teacher, and didn't know the entire curriculum for our group. He only knew we were in his class until further notice. We all stood in a misshapen line as Wexler began what must have been in the curriculum.

"Today's goal is to assess you all as you currently are, not only individually but comparatively. You'll all be ranked in different areas of physical ability, and we'll reevaluate you every week." His professionalism faltered for a moment as he looked at me with pity, "I'm sorry you ended up in this group, Harbringer, I know it'll be hard for you."

I scowled, "I'll be fine."

Wexler ignored me and smiled at the five of us, "I suppose we'll get class started."


Taking a deep breath, I jumped at the monkey bars another time. Grabbing hold of the first bar, I took a moment to collect myself. My hands were already blistered at that point, and my arms were very sore. But I had to try them one more time before I went home.

"Get off there you fucking brat." My mother hissed, slowly walking towards me.

"As soon as I fall down I promise I'll be quiet on the way home." I pleaded, trying to focus my energy on the monkey bars. I had made it to the second bar and managed to grab the third.

"I swear to god, get down from there before I beat you to hell and back." She was getting closer.

Fourth bar, both hands. About to fall, but I can't give up. I tell myself not to cave in, not to cry.

Reach for the fifth bar and my hand slips, leaving me in the air for a single peaceful moment.

The moment passed as I hit the sand and rocks, feeling it scrape my skin as I skid across the stones that cover the playground base. She grabs me by the arm and my skin stings.

"You're paying for this, you piece of shit."

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