Fighting Fire With Fireworks - 27

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It was about time I get to show up Xavier again. He was out of the hospital and back in class, ready for me to kick his ass.

Heh, could I be more clever?


I cracked my knuckles, staring at Xavier from across the room. I was worried I didn't actually look that intimidating, then I noticed James had gone white as a sheet. I must have been doing something right to scare the kid when I didn't even mean to scare him.

"Show me your stuff, Harbringer." Wexler nodded towards the chin-up bar, "Try to beat your record."

"Sure thing." I chuckled, wondering if he even remembered what my record was. I doubted it. Hell, I didn't remember it either. Wouldn't stop me from doing more chin-ups than anyone else.

I jumped to reach the bar, grabbing it easily as I held myself up. Xavier seemed to be pissed off whenever I used equipment he couldn't manage to reach, so I made sure to jump to anything I could potentially reach.

"Come on, kid, I'm timing you." He started playing with his watch, and instead of bringing up a stopwatch he seemed to be setting an alarm. His equipment wasn't exactly top of the line. I started my chin-ups anyways, dropping my grin in favour of focusing on my movements. I had done fifteen chin-ups when I realized Xavier had moved while I wasn't looking. I couldn't find him for a moment, and found him a second too late.

James was already paler than normal, but when Xavier punched him in the gut James could've passed for a damn ghost. I almost would've laughed if James hadn't started coughing blood when he hit the ground.

"What the fuck did you do!?" I dropped to the ground and charged at Xavier. He didn't even have time to react before I pushed him hard enough that he fell to the ground. I knelt over his body, wrapping my hands around his throat, "What the fuck is wrong with you!?"

I heard a wet cough behind me, and realized it must have been James. I was about to go help him when Xavier managed to say something - probably because my grip on his throat had loosened.

"Is that the best you can do, Scars?"

I lost it. I lost it and I started beating his fucking face in. I broke his nose almost immediately, and must have knocked out a few of his teeth before long. I moved and brought my fists down onto his chest, ignoring the blood that had splattered across his face and my hands. My knuckles battered his ribs and probably started bleeding as I blindly hit him. I was so lost in my blind rage that I wasn't controlling myself at all. I'd forgotten everything else, focused solely on beating the shit out of this useless sack of cells.

I flew onto my back, gasping for air as my vision blurred. No, it was already blurred, I must have been hyperventilating.

I couldn't tell, since the adrenaline was still blocking out my senses.

I had fucked something up, hadn't I?

I felt someone grab me by the wrists and pick me up by the shirt of my collar.

I had definitely fucked up.

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