Delicate Flower - 8

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"He stomped on my fucking prosthetic!" I hissed, glaring at Masson. That fuck had been in middle school with me before I'd gotten expelled, and he remembered me. I guess an elephant never forgets.

"She kicked me in the knee!" He whined, playing the victim, "I can barely-"

"He's a fucking liar!" I interrupted him, only becoming angrier at the thought that he was getting a rise out of me. I composed myself, speaking with my inside voice, "I'll admit I threatened to break his knee, which was dramatic. I'm sorry."

I didn't get the usual apologize to him not me, which made me happy. Masson's ego had deflated since I calmed down, which reminded me far too well of middle school.


I sighed, staring at the ceiling as I chewed some gum. Sitting in the principal's office was commonplace for me, and I wasn't even high.

Probably would've been better to be high. Instead I had punched a kid in the nose after he cornered me in the bathroom during class. Naturally, it was my fault.

"Scarlet?" He started, staring at me through thick glasses, "Is there anything you'd like to say?"

Stubbornly remaining silent, he wasn't amused. He had killed half an hour trying to guilt me into speaking. The only thing that had happened was I had renewed my gum without him noticing. I didn't know what happened to the dick that probably intended on raping me, but he wasn't in that room. That at least made me happy.

"Why did you hit him?"

"Because he tried to choke me and tore off my belt loops because he wanted to take off my pants." I stared at him through dead eyes, knowing I wouldn't be staying there much longer.

"You went into the boy's bathroom and attacked him. He was only trying to protect himself."

"There's blood in the girl's bathroom, for fuck's sake!"

"Scarlet, language."

"Fine." I sunk back into my chair, determined to win the staring contest.


"I'm so sorry." James said the moment he could, "I would've done something but-"

"It's no big deal." I huffed, pushing past him. I was in no mood for apologies, which James seemed full of.

But as I walked and he followed, he didn't waste his breath saying anything else. He didn't touch my elbow or look at me straight in the eyes, he just caught up with me. I was going to the medical wing to at least get crutches, and I wondered if we'd see Simon. I was also pretty sure James was supposed to stay in class, but I wasn't going to tell him to stay back.

"So," A single syllable and I was worried he'd ask my life story. Instead, James grinned at me, "You gonna kick his ass or what?"

I snorted out a laugh as I hobbled along, "As soon as I'm not an elf anymore, I will."

He raised an eyebrow, "An elf?"

"You know." I pointed to my right leg, "I'm legless."

James burst out into laughter as I tried to remain composed myself. He had no idea I used that joke at least once a month, and I was happy to find someone who found it as funny as I did.

Nobody stopped him as he left the gym. Wexler said he had faxed the nurses his report, and they'd deal with me.

I hoped dealing with me didn't include a mandatory therapy session.

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