
970 38 92

[edited 30/10/2017]

I quickly put on some clothes before I continue to edit my videos.

~20 minutes later~

The door opens.

"Hello everybody." I hear a familiarly voice say.

"My name's Markiplier." I say and smile.

I turn around to look at him, his beautiful green hair.

He goes over to me and gives me a kiss.

"What are you doing baby?" He asks.

"I'm just editing a video." I answer.

He looks at me, up and down.

I feel how all my blood goes up to my head.

"Mark, are you ok?" He asks worried.

Quickly I look away.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Mark, I know something's wrong." He says.

I stay silence, not knowing what to respond.

"Okay....I'm gonna go make some dinner." He mumble and walks out the room.


(Mark and Ryan)

Mark: Fuck you bitch

Ryan: what?

Mark: you know what you've done -.-

Ryan: nope :)

Mark: You can't hide it forever

Ryan: actually, I can

Mark: how do u think that'd work out, huh?

Ryan: well, I know you won't tell anybody because you cheated on Jack

Mark: NO I DIDN'T!!

Ryan: actually you did

Mark: what about Matt?

Ryan: we're not in a relationship, he doesn't care

Mark: yes I think he does, because you fucking raped me

Ryan: nope, you did it by yourself


Ryan: you have no proof :)

Mark: you're no longer allowed to live in this house

Ryan: yes I am, because Jack doesn't know it and you're too scared to tell him

Mark: I hate you

Ryan: I don't care :)

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