
854 41 28

[Edited 6/6/2018]

"Hahaha no Jack stop it!" I scream, running away from the green haired boy.

He's chasing me, he's trying to tickle me and I can't handle that stuff.

"I'm going to get you Markimoo!" He laughs running faster.

I look around for a spot to hide, the only place I can find is outside.

Quickly I begin to run towards the back door.

The footsteps behind me gets closer and closer and I use all my energy trying to run faster.

Finally I get to the door, closing it after me and standing against it from outside.

Thankfully I'm much stronger than the little Irish guy and I have no problem holding the door against his attempts to open it.

"Mark let me out!!!" He screams pounding on the door.

I laugh loud not moving away.

"Nope! You're just going to tickle me, I know it." I scream in response.

From inside I can hear Chica barking at us, my little Chica.

"Hi Chica!" I scream through the door.

Slowly I open it just a little, trying to get Chica out.

Unfortunately Jack's quick and manages to get up the door, jumping over me.

He ties me to the grown and starts to tickle me.

I burst out laughing trying to get away but Jack smiles at me continuing.

Chica has come out, barking at me wondering what's happening.

"H-help me Chica!" I breath out between the laughter.

She doesn't even try to help me, instead she sits down watching the action going on.

Thank you sooo much Chica, I appreciate it.

5 minutes goes by before Jack stops.

He gets off of me, laughing.

"I got ya!" He says happy.

"Ha ha real funny, now help me up!" I mumble.

Jack reaches for my hand helping me stand up.

"I'm going to get my revanche, you know that right?" I say.

"Yeah, right!" The boy laughs right at my face.


I jump at him, getting prepared to tickle.

"Ahhhhhh noooo please don't!!! Maaaark!!!" He screams.

Of course I don't listen, instead I start tickling him as much as I can.

A big smile grows on my face.


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