Chapter Nine

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One Loss and a Gain: Chapter Nine 


Dean Winchester sat, facing his brother, in the front seat of his 1967 Chevy Impala.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I mean," Sam said. "That Caroline hasn't been herself since she came back from the hospital."

"Yes, well she was in a car crash. What would you expect?" Dean turned around.

"Dean?" Sam faced him.


"Our sister has not come out of her room in three days since we got back," Sam started speaking slowly. "I don't know about you, but if my sibling left for months and then came back, I would be extremely excited."

Dean looked up at the house. He sighed. "I know. We should talk to her."

Sam nods. "We should."

They get out of the car and go up to the house.

Caroline Forbes sits in her bedroom, staring in her mirror at her face, willing the hunger she is feeling to go away. With heightened hearing, she hears the front door open. Two people come in.

"Caroline?" Dean calls out. "Can we talk to you for a sec?"

She doesn't answer.

'If I stay quiet,' She thinks. 'Maybe they will go away.'

"Come on, Care," She hears them get closer to her room. "Please talk to us."

Caroline takes a deep breath and grips the side of the draws the mirror was hanging above. Sam opens her door.

"Caroline?" Dean comes in after him. They move slowly over to where she is standing. "Are you okay?"

She nods.

"Are you sure?" Sam moves around to the other side of her.

She nods again. "I'm fine."

"She speaks," Dean jokes. She glares at him. He sighs. "Care, Liz, Sam and I, are worried. You haven't been yourself."

Between every word they breathe, and between every breath their heart beats, and between every heartbeat, their blood pumps around their body and Caroline can smell it.

"Please go," Caroline looks down at her hands, gripping onto the sides of her cabinet.

"Caroline," Sam puts a hand on her shoulder. She shrugs him off. "Tell us what's happening?"

"You're in my room and you're invading my personal space," She focuses on breathing. On the sounds of the trees outside and the smell of the grass. "That's what's happening."

The smell was beginning to get unbearable. All Caroline wanted to do was turn around and rip first Dean and then Sam's neck open. The thought made tears prick her eyes. 

"Just go!" She shouted. "Please."

"We'll talk later," Dean says. She nods. The moment they are out of the room she turns. She puts her hands to her head and runs them roughly through her hair. She then goes to her window and jumps out. Behind her house, like most houses in Mystic Falls, there is a forest and Caroline goes directly into it. She starts running, faster than she has ever run before. The trees blurred around her.  

She smelt something up ahead. Blood. A hiker. Caroline stops when she is only a few metres away. She stands there and watches the hiker, a middle-aged man, he is alone. He turns and looks straight at her.

"Are you okay?" He asks. "Are you lost"

She shakes her head, coming forwards.

"Do you need some help?" She nods.

"I'm hungry."

"I can give you directions to the Mystic Grill if you want," He tilts his head. "Are you new around here?"

"No," Caroline moves closer towards him. "I'm not."

"What are you doing?" He begins to eye her warily.

"I'm hungry," She states.

"I have biscuits in my bag," He signals the backpack he is carrying.

"Sorry," Caroline leans down at forces her fangs into his neck. She almost moans at the taste of blood that pools into her mouth. With much difficulty, she pulls back, blood dripping from her lips.

The man is gasping for breath. He tries to get away from her.

"Help," He screams. "Help me."

"Thank you for being my dinner," Caroline leans in again but this time, she doesn't stop. She drinks and drinks. The man struggles and shouts. She drains him dry.

Caroline looks down to the body of the hiker on the floor.

"What have I done?" She whispers, tears springing to her eyes as she bends down next to the man she had just killed. "I'm a monster."


[Caroline after drinking from the hiker]

❉ deepdarkdreams ❉

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