Chapter Thirteen

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One Loss and a Gain: Chapter Thirteen 


Dean Winchester was driving his Impala, filled with an emotion he could not name. His brother was sitting in the passenger seat, hastily glancing back every so often at the girl in the back seat. The car ride was awkward, and Dean could not be happier when they finally got back to their house in Mystic Falls.

"Mums not home yet," Caroline speaks quietly, looking at the empty driveway.

"She'll be home soon," Sam keeps his face straight head. Dean cuts the engine and opens his door, getting out and slamming it loudly behind him.

"Come on," Caroline says reluctantly. She would do anything to just stay in the car and not talk to Dean or Sam. They get to the house and Sam, the one with the key, unlocks the door. The three go in and sit on separate couches. Sam and Dean on one, Caroline, facing them, on another. There is silence, and then they all speak at once.




They all stop. Sam looks at Dean and then at Caroline.

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"What that I was a crazy bloodsucker?" Caroline asks.

"Well, yeah," Sam looks directly at her.

Caroline shrugs. "Why would I want to tell you that I am something you hunt?"

"Did you think we would hunt you?" Sam's eyes widen. Caroline hums.

"Why would we want to do that?" Sam questions.

"Because we are supernatural hunters Sam," Dean speaks for the first time since they entered the house. "And we are meant to kill the things that try to kill humans at night."

Caroline looks up, shocked. "I wasn't trying to kill Axel."

"You got his name?" Sam looks surprised.

"Yes," Caroline nods once. "And I was never going to kill him. I don't kill people. Actually, I usually just feed on blood bags but the other night when you two came home and Dean had that cut on his arm and I have my blood-thirst under control but that was quite a bit of blood and-"

"Caroline," Dean cuts her off. "You're rambling."

"Sorry," She looks down and breathes deeply before looking back up again. "I'm not evil. I'm not going to try and kill anyone."

"Tell that to the guy who had your fangs in his neck," Dean stares at her.

"All I was going to do was take some blood," Caroline lets out an exasperated sigh. "I was only really going to take a little more and then I was going to compel him to leave."

"Compel?" Sam cuts in, an interested expression on his face.

"It's something my sort of vampire can do," Caroline starts. "It is basically looking into someone's eyes and telling them to do something and they do it."

"No matter what?" Sam asks.

"No," Caroline shakes her head. "There is a herb you can eat or drink or wear and it stops the person being compelled, or controlled, by a vampire."

"What's it called?" Sam furrows his eyebrows, as if trying to remember learning anything about this herb.

"It's called," Caroline tilts her head. "Vervain."

"Can I have some?" Dean narrows his eyes.

"Some vervain?" Caroline looks confused.

"Yes," Dean raises his voice. "I don't want you compelling me to let you feed on me. In fact, how can I be sure you haven't already done that?"

"Dean!" Sam looks at him in shock.

"What?" Dean asks. "You seem to be taking this extremely well. How do you know she's telling the truth? How do you know that she's not using us as her human blood bags and drinking from us three times a day? How do you know she doesn't kill people five times a week?"

"It's Caroline," Sam stands up in annoyance. "Why would she ever want to hurt anyone, let alone kill them?"

"It's not Caroline," Dean shouts. Caroline feels tears spring to her eyes but she tries to conceal them by putting her hands over her face. "That is a vampire Sammy. Vampires kill, they feed on humans, they have no emotion and they don't have control. Vampires are monsters."

Caroline stands, tears pouring freely down her cheeks, in front of Dean. She gets close to him so their faces are close and then she speaks in a deadly quiet voice. "Then explain my tears."

Then she blurs out of the room and into her bedroom, closing, and locking, her door behind her.


I actually really like writing this. It would be awesome if you could comment and vote on the chapters and tell me what you think of the story so far. 

❉ deepdarkdreams ❉

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