Chapter Seventeen

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One Loss and a Gain: Chapter Seventeen 


  The day had started normally. Caroline had woken up, sucked up the entire contents of blood bag before breakfast and gotten a ride to school with Bonnie and Elena. By the fifth period, however, things were starting to become completely abnormal.

Caroline was sitting in history, next to Bonnie, behind Elena, she could feel her composure beginning to slip. Although she had had a blood bag before she left, a girl sitting near her was having her time of the month, and Caroline could smell everything. She knew Stefan could smell it too. He kept glancing back at her, checking to see she was still sitting there.

"You okay?" Stefan's voice was so quiet human ears wouldn't even hear a sound.

"I thought I was controlled," Caroline murmured, her hand tightening around her blue inked pen.   

"First few months are hard," Stefan kept his head facing forwards, yet she could hear him as easily as if he was whispering in her ear.

"They really are," Caroline clenched her teeth, drawing uncontrolled lines around her title of 'France' at the top of her book.

"Stefan, name one thing that happened in January?" The sound of the teacher's voice reminded her that she was, in fact, in a class.  

"Napoleon the third died," He barely had to think. Being alive in the time they were studying was definitely helping him.

Caroline Forbes closed her eyes, willing herself to gain control. Her breathing was deep. It was so loud she was scared Bonnie and Elena would hear.

"Caroline," Stefan's voice was abrupt, slightly louder than before. Bonnie glanced to the side, looking at her out of the corner of her eye.  

"You okay?" She mimed silently. Caroline nodded. The sound of the bell ringing was like music to her ears. The thought of being able to leave brought nothing but relief.

"You got a lift?" Elena walked next to her.

"I think Deans meeting me a couple of streets over," Caroline breathed in the smell of fresh air as they left the building. Although there were so many people standing around her, the smell of blood in their veins was more scattered than being in a cramped room.

"I'll give you a lift to the end of the street," Bonnie offered.

"Thanks," Caroline forced a smile.

"You'll be home soon," Stefan whispered. "Control."

Caroline nodded as he kissed Elena softly on the lips and then went to his car. Caroline, Bonnie and Elena walked to Bonnie's car. Caroline got in the back and sat on the worn, leather seat. The ride to the end of the street took an agonisingly long time.

"Where's Dean come from?" Elena asked.      

"No clue," Caroline shook her head, looking down.

"See you tomorrow?" Bonnie rolled her window down so she could still talk.

"Yeah definitely," Caroline caught sight of Dean sitting in his car.

"Bye Care," Elena smiled.   

"Bye," Caroline turned away as the car drives back out onto the road. She walked over to the Impala and knocked on the window so Dean can unlock the doors and let her in.

"Hey," Dean put the key in the ignition and the engine came to life.

"Hi," Caroline put her arm against the window and rested her head on her hand.

"Good day?" Dean drove down the street.    

"Alright," Caroline began breathing deeply again, the smell of blood was trapped in the car. "Difficult."

"Difficult?" Dean spins the wheel to turn left. "Why's that?"

Caroline glances down on a small cut on her brother's arm. "No reason."

"Oh," Dean says, catching on. He rolls down the four windows of the Impala.

"Thanks," Caroline stares out, her face slightly out of the car.   

"We'll be home soon," Dean glanced sideways at her.

"I know," The feeling in her stomach pooled, making her feel almost sick. As they pulled up to the house, Caroline jumped out of the car before it had even stopped. She walked up the steps to the house, slowly, trying to keep control of her legs which wanted to run up the steps and rip open a blood bag. 

"Hey Care," Sam was in the kitchen when she went in. Dean was not far behind. Completely ignoring him, Caroline went into her bedroom and into the small fridge hidden in her locked cupboard. She opened it wide and put her hand against the wall to steady herself.

"No," She murmured, looking into the empty fridge. "No." 

She stood up and slammed the fridge door shut and went quickly into the living room.

"Everything alright?" Sam, who was now sitting at the table eating a toasted sandwich, asked.

"It's not alright," Caroline said. She heard a chain flush in the bathroom and watched Dean come out of the bathroom. He stopped abruptly.           

"What?" He looked behind him.

"I need to go to the hospital," Caroline spoke slowly.

Dean stood, shocked. "Why? What's happened?"

"Caroline, why do you need to go to the hospital?" Sam was watching her closely.

"Because my blood bags are gone," Caroline could feel her palms getting sweaty. "And right now I am using all the self-control I have to not rip your head off and my composure is seriously starting to fall."

Sam stared at her. "Do you want me to drive you?"   

Caroline shook her head and turned to Dean. "Please, can I borrow your car?"

"I um," Dean folded his arms, pulling the keys out of his pocket as Caroline looked at him with begging eyes. "Fine. You're just going to the hospital right?" 

"Yes," Caroline took the keys from him and turned towards the door. "Yes. Thank you."

As she got in the car she couldn't help but think what would happen if she didn't make it to the hospital. Because the urge for blood she was feeling was so strong, even stronger than when she first turned. She saw red flashes among her eyes and she felt her fangs come out. She drove into the town, needing to go past it to the hospital, and all she could smell was blood. Everywhere. And she really didn't think she was going to make it to the blood bags.


I have a really big test in a couple of hours and I can't remember anything I'm so scared. 

Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. I want to introduce Castiel into the story soon cause he's amazing but I don't know how yet. 

The gif is Caroline telling Sam her composure is slipping.

Vote, comment and share if you like the story so far. 


❉ lilacfeathers ❉

One Loss and a GainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora