CHAPTER 1 - Awake

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Juliet's Pov

My still body was laying on this very uncomfortable bed. All that filled my ears was faint talking, and the annoyingly loud beeping sound that was somewhere around me.


I think I'm in a hospital. That sound was a never ending I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, I couldn't move at all actually. Then what sounded like a door opening and closing the talking got louder I could make out what they were saying.

"Mr. Mendes, myself and 3 other specialists have run several tests and I'm very sorry to confirm this so late but we don't have the best confidence that Ms. Adams is going to wake up." They spoke. Hold on what? who's Ms. Adams? Is that me? And why won't I wake up?

"Okay thank you very much Dr. Kyle. When or if she wakes up how bad will her amnesia be?" Another person spoke I'm guessing that's who Mr. Mendes is but what was he talking about 'amnesia'. What happened to me? Who am I? What's my name? Oh my gosh I do have amnesia. I need to know what happened, I need to wake up.

"We won't know for sure until when or if the patient wakes up. However if she does then we'll run a series of tests specifically an MRI, a CAT scan, several memory and neurological tests, and etc. However these tests are not always 100% liable with her specific condition, only time will tell." Dr. Kyle said. Suddenly I was pulled into a dreamless sleep.

Shawn's Pov

After I had talked to Dr. Kyle about Juliet's condition, I fell asleep in one of the uncomfortable hospital chairs in Juliet's room.


Then I noticed that from where I was standing her eyes were open. I quickly rushed out of her door and got Dr. Kyle's attention I hoped that he was out there. He had made it clear that he was going to be the one to tell her the state of her condition because he knows her case the best of the doctors assigned to Juliet.

"Dr. Kyle she's awake!" He rushed over and all of a sudden we we're both in her room and Dr. Kyle was getting the tube out of her mouth. When he did Juliet sat up and started to cough out of control. When she stopped coughing she caught her breath blankly staring at the wall.

"Sh-shawn...Mendes" she stuttered a little as she caught her breath. As soon as those words came out of her mouth my heart shattered into a million pieces.

Did she remember me?

Does she only know my name and that's it?

If she only does know my name, why is that all she remembers?

What if she will never remember me?

Just my name. That's all I am to her in this very moment.

She needs to know that I regret what I did
...I'm sorry Juliet.

Juliet's Pov

My eyes flutter open and are met with an extremely bright light I'm almost blinded from it. I have to blink a few times before my eyes start to get used to the intensity of the brightness. All if a sudden a feeling of choking registers in my brain and I start to panic. My eyes are met with a doctor's and he pulls what seems to be a ventilator out of my mouth, I sit up an uncontrollably start coughing.

When I finally stop coughing, I have to catch my breath. There's a name in my head its definitely not my name so who's is it, and why do I know their name? I have to say it, I can't keep it in anymore.

"Sh-Shawn...Mendes." I breath out with almost no air in my lungs to say anything else. So I just sat there trying to catch my breath stairing at the wall. Someone waved their hand in my face to get me to stop staring into space I looked over at them and they said to me.

"Do you know your name?"

"No." My voice was laced with pure saddens and fear. I don't know who I am. What am I supposed to do now? How will I remember life?

"That's okay, I'm going to help you remember, your name is Juliet Adams." The doctor said to me I could tell that he wanted nothing more than for me to remember myself.

"Okay...I like that name, Juliet," I paused "I'm so sorry to ask doctor but what's your name?" I questioned

"No it's quite alright. My name is Dr. Kyle and I will be working with three other specialists that are on your case and we will stop at nothing to get your memory back."

"Thank you very much."

"My pleasure. So Mrs. Adams I must ask you a few questions, are you alright with that?" He asked I nodded.

"Do you know Shawn Mendes?"

"No, I don't even know why I said it, it just came out and I just had to say it." Responding to his question.

"Okay. Do you know where you are?" Dr. Kyle said.

"No." I said getting nervous.

"You're in a hospital. You're safe here and we're all here to help okay?"

"Okay" I said back calming down

"Do you remember what happened to you?"

"No" I said getting curious

"Juliet you were involved in a terrible at accident with Shawn." he said pointing to Shawn "You had a broken collarbone, a concussion, your brain had very intense bleeding this caused many seizures and blood to come out your nose. Luckily we did not have to drill bur-holes to release the pressure it resolved with medication and time, you had internal bleeding in your abdomen which caused you to have blood coming out of your mouth, one of your lungs was collapsed, both your legs were crushed which needed surgery to repair them, your right shoulder was dislocated, your left arm was broken in five places and you were covered in bruises and cuts. The car rolled several times, you were thrown out of the car."

"Oh my god..."

"Who is Shawn to me?" Before the Dr could answer I hear a voice that I recognize it can't put my finger on who it is.

"You were my girlfriend." He says

"How do I know you?"

"Are you sure you want to know right now? I mean you just woke up I don't want to put more stress and pressure on you."

"yeah I'm sure."

"Dr. Kyle, do you mind if Juliet and I have a minute to talk, please?" Shawn asked politely. I don't think this is a good sign.

"Yes of course take as long as you need." Dr. Kyle said and left alone with Shawn.

"So...Juliet I'm your, boyfriend of 3 years." he said to me. I know for a fact that he's not lying only because the look in his eyes looks so painful. That someone has been taken from him and that he will never get them back or the same as they were before.....I guess that person is me.


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