CHAPTER 2 - Explanations

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Juliet's Pov

How was I supposed to respond to that 'girlfriend' I wish that I remembered him. I heard someone saying my name,

"Juliet," Shawn said

"What?" I responded in confusion

"You were stairing off into space."

"Oh, sorry," I apologized "Shawn, do you mind answering some questions I have about us?" he nodded.

"How did we meet?"

"I'm really glad you asked," Shawn smiled

"I remember this day like it was yesterday. We met on Mout Pakenham in Ottawa Ontario, it was December 15 2015, I had just finished tour and" tour? what is he talking about? tour for what?

''My time off for Christmas started I was there with my family for a ski trip vacation and I wanted to try snowboarding. I'm going down the beginner hill, you're at the bottom of the exhibition trail. Off to the side you step off your board, take off your goggles and then your helmet. your hair was in a low ponytail you pulled off the hair tie and ran  your hand through your long blonde curly hair. I had never seen anything so gorgeous. I got distracted by how beautiful you looked and I crashed right into you and you ended up landing right on top of me. I expected you to be upset that I knocked you over but you laughed and said 'well that could have been worse' your laugh was the greatest sound I had ever heard." well that was a lot to take in but I wanted to know more so badly. I needed to know more.

"And then what happened?"

"We talked for hours about random things. I didn't know if you knew who I was or not, but I didn't want to say anything because I wanted to have a real conversation with a beautiful girl without a biased opinion. The next day we met up at the mountain again and you said you'd teach me to snowboard. I obviously took the offer. The whole week I was there you were giving me lessons and by my last day there I could snowboard down the black diamond without help."

Wow. Just wow.

"Shawn, what happened to me? Why am I like this?"

"Well, one year ago we were driving down the highway. We started arguing and I can't even remember what it was about because it was so stupid," tears started to well up in his eyes "I took my eyes off the road for one second, and I veered off into the other lane. To miss the on-coming cars I swerved back into my lane,"

He takes a very shaky breath clearly afraid to tell me the rest "I flipped the car 6 times after the car stopped rolling I was unconscious for god knows how long until I came to, and noticed that you weren't in the car. I immediately got out and went to find you not caring about the gash I had on my forehead I saw in the mirror. You were thrown 15 feet from my car..." by now Shawn was crying really hard, he was trying to get the words out about what he saw when I was laying on the ground that day.

I reached for his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I looked at him and said "Shawn you don't have to-" he cut me off "yes I do. You need to know" he took another deep breath more shaky than the last, at the attempt to calm himself down a little.

"When I got out of the car and asked someone who pulled over if they could call 9-1-1. They did. I finally found you there laying on the ground looking so afraid and hurt it made my stomach sick. I knelt down next to you and held your hand, told you everything was going to be okay. Even if I didn't think so myself." Shawn sniffled and whipped his tears.

"I tried my best to be there for you to make you fee less scared but it almost broke me seeing you like that. I could hear the ambulances in he distance thanking god they were almost there. As I'm trying to keep you awake on the side of the road, they pulled up

"Its all my fault this happened to you. If I had just been paying attention-" I cut him off hearing him say these things made me surprisingly very sad.

"No Shawn this is not your fault. People get mad, have arguments, and accidents happen all the time. Don't you dare say that you did this to me when you didn't." he looked up at me with his tear strained face and all I wanted to do was kiss him for some reason. I know he said we were dating but I don't know him, not anymore. So why did I feel this?

I fight the urge to kiss him and just pull him in for a hug. he cried and cried on my shoulder for what felt like hours, we just stayed like that until we heard a knock on the door. Shawn lifted his head off my shoulder.

"Come in!" I called.

Dr. Kyle opened the door and said "Juliet, I would like to take you to do some tests. Is that okay?" I nodded.

"I'll see you later, okay Juliet?"

"Okay see you later Shawn." A nurse had come in to take me to my first test of many, an MRI.


I'm so sorry this one took me so freaking long. ill try and update sooner than that!

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