tagged again

30 1 3

So Muffinsareamazing tagged everyone who read hers to do this
Now onto the randem shyet..

1. I like chocolate
2. I like candeh
3. I am a weirdo
4. I want to publish a story but don't know what it should be about or what it should be
5. I suck at drawing but people say otherwise
6. I have no life
7. Hollywood Undead is my favorite band
8. I accidentally put two fours while typing this (I fixed it tho)
9. I am in so many fandoms that it would take all day to list them out properly
10. People would call me crazy or murderer often
11. I km now that almost no one will read this
12. I'm typing in a phone
13. My boyfriends are fictional characters

What ever else I forgot to do what ever me does not car
Me want candeh and chocolat
Me needz sleep
Me done
Bye bye

You can choose if you wanna do this or not
Not like anyone will read this but like one person

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