tagged part 6

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Tagged by: QueenTeen13



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2. Too many to name just one.

3. I Don't Wanna Die

4. I honestly don't know.



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6. Lynx because they are beautiful, wild, and amazing.

7. I don't know...Chimeras?

8. Why do they always ask this. I don't wanna disclose this one.

9. Chocolate

10. The Darkling from The Grisha Trilogy because he was a character that was not very understood. He was seen as a villain when in reality he was just doing it all so that people would love him.

1. yaoiiiiiii_trash
2. JessaWrites_
3. niriti
4. SydlesTheSquiddles
5. KatieeG03
6. Sup3rart
7. Cuppyy
Couldn't find 8 more people that weren't tagged or would do it so if you wanna feel free.

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