Chapter 3

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I woke up wrapped in JJ's arms. It was definitely the best sleep and longest sleep I've had. It was so calming and soothing.

"Morning Vik"JJ stared into my eyes
"Morning JJ. That was an amazing sleep." I stared back. His eyes were so dark that it looked black. I was noticing small subtle stuff about JJ, dimples whenever he smiles and tiny freckles next to his eyes. (I'm just making stuff up)

I was about to go back to sleep as I heard my phone ring.

"Oh shit."
"What's wrong, Vik?" JJ asked I could see that JJ was worried.
"I forgot to pick up Kay from the airport."
"Oh, well I'll see you then." JJ looked disappointed and climbed out of his bed and started to get dressed. I did the same and quickly grabbed my phone and ran to my car. Today was the big day, so everything has to be perfect.


I heard Vik slam the door and his engine turn on. I was tearing up in my pillow. I can't stand seeing MY Vik with someone else. They have been dating for 3 years and everything for them seems to be perfect. I needed Vik in my life, without him, I feel cold, desperate and needy. And mostly, I feel incomplete and unloved.

"JJ! Do you want Nando's" I heard Simon yell from downstairs.
"Nah it's fine." I replied, soon regretting my decisions. I heard loud footsteps heading towards my room.
"JJ what's wrong?"
"It's uh... fine" I started to tear up and I can see concern in Simon's face.
"Dude, JJ, you can tell me anything."
"I honestly don't feel comfortable talking about this just yet."
"Okay then. Please talk to Vik at least, you guys are best mates."
"Yeh, I'll keep that in mind. Thanks anyways."
Simon walked out of my room and I could see how worried he is and concern.


--skip a bit and it's evening now--

It has been so amazing and perfect. Our date went really well and now we're walking along the beachside admiring the star. Oh how wonderful. I had prepared a romantic evening picnic right under the stars.

"This is truely amazing, Vikky!" Kay gazed at the stars, admiring the stars
"Yes. It's amazing. So Kay, I have a question to ask you." Vik spoke
"Go on"
"Um.. we have been dating for 3 years and every day my life gets better. I wake up feeling fresh and knowing I have someone there for me. All of what I feel is because of you. You make me smile during the worst and the best. You're always there for me and we put each other as priority. The more I get to know you, the more my love for you grows. Up in the sky are billions of stars but the only star I need is you. You light up my world like nobody else. " Kay was tearing up while Vik was hesitating and worried to pop the question, "So Kay, will you


Dun dun duuuuun. You probably know what Vik is asking but still. :)
I feel bad for JJ now but gotta do what you have to do.


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