Chapter 8

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"KAY! WAKE UP!" my maid of honour, Amber, excitedly squealed as she opened the door, "It's your big day!"

"I KNOW!" I squealed in excitement and hugged Amber, smiling from ear to ear. All I have to make sure is that no-one, especially JJ, will ruin this perfect day for Vik and myself.

I ran down from the stairs to my parent's living room, greeted by my loving family and friends. I hugged them all until my phone rang.

"Hello?" I asked as I walked away from the crowd.

"Kay. Don't freak out but Vik is missing." I heard Simon panicking.

"Where do you think he is?"

"I don't know. JJ and Josh are also trying to find him. He's not picking his phone either."

"Oh no. This can't be happening!"

"Don't freak out. We can find him."

"Thanks Si. I'll talk to you later then." I hung up on Simon. I can't let my family know about this or they will freak out. Ugh. VIK! I bet JJ has something to do with this. Where will Vik go?


"Josh, where's Vik?" I yelled. I tried knocking on his bedroom door but he didn't answer.

"He should be getting dressed. Why?" Josh yelled from the dining room.

"I don't think he's there," I yelled and told him to come upstairs, "The doors are also locked. I'm really concerned, Josh."

"It's fine." Josh claimed and tried knocking on the door. No answer.

"Vik? It's Josh. Open up."


"Oh my god. This is stupid." Josh yelled and kicked the door multiple times before the lock broke.

No one was inside and the window was opened.

"Someone call Kay. SIMON! COME UP HERE!" Josh demanded, "JJ, you and I will try to find Vik. Do you know any places Vik might go to?"

"I know a few places that we can go to." I explained the places to both Simon and Josh.

"Okay, so Simon call Kay and tell her Vik is missing, while JJ and I find Vik. Make sure that Kay is alright and try looking in our neighbourhood. Got it?" Josh instructed us and we soon started searching.


I laid on the ground, staring and contemplating. I know that I made Kay, JJ and everyone more worried but I had to do this. I needed time and space.

It was very calming until I heard footsteps behind me.



How was ur Christmas?

Thanks for the support so far and I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year. Make sure to stay safe too!

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