sneek peek

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I ran. I felt her creeping up on me, so I had to get away from everyone.

As I pass tons of people who could be victims if I just give in to the pain and the anger, but I won't. I just need to stay strong and keep running. As long as I could keep myself together she wouldn't show, she wouldn't ruin everything. Because if she will it won't be pretty...

As I see the exit of the fair I keep thinking about how my life has become a never escapable horror movie over the past few months. And just how this thing all started with a innocent day of school...

6 months ago

A tear slid down in my moms eye, she tried to hide it but I could see it clearly touched her that I was going. But I couldn't stay, even if I wanted to I had get to my dorm. Today was the first day of college and I still hadn't been in my dorm so I still had to unpack all of my stuff.

I tried to comfort my mum by saying that I would visit as much as possible and that I would miss her and Sophie so much.

Let me tell you something about my home situation. I've lived for 18 years with my mum and my little sister, my dad has never been in the picture he left after my sister was born, which was one year after I was born. My mum used to tell me and my sister about our dad, about how drunk he was all the time and how he was never home. The story's made me sick, I couldn't believe why someone would do that to my mum, she was the kindest women I ever met and she cares very much for me and my sister and we are thankful to have her.

But even though I don't want to leave and just help mum at home, my mum insist that I get a good education and live a happy life. That's all she want for me and Sophie. So I will and I won't disappoint her, even if she says that isn't possible and that she would always be proud of us no matter what.

After we said our goodbyes and hugged I stepped in my car and drove to my new school. Little did I know what was going to happen to me...


Hey thanks for checking out my story I hope you liked it and want to read more of this story. This is a story I progress so be sure to give suggestion for improving the story.

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Well that was it peeps, i hope you're having a better day then mine because I am sick in bed...

Anywaysss... Bye xxunkowngirlxxws

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