Chapter one ~for the first time~

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I walk in to a enormous hall full of students just like me, it's exiting to see so many people together in one place. It's not that I've never seen so many people it's just that my hometown is so small and there weren't many people in my school but here, it's like a whole other world to me.

When I reach the administration office I see some students going trough files in the background, but my focus is on a lady sitting behind a desk. I walk up to her and ask her where I can get my schedule and where I can find my dorm. She smiles at me and asks for my names and what i study, I tell her my name is Amelia Corpse and that I study biological sciences. She gives me some paperwork what she describes as 'just the usual things' like my schedule, a map to find my way and some forms I have to fill out and she also gives me a note with my dorm-number one it and a she explains how to get there. After she is done talking I thank her and smile.

As I walk the route the lady behind the desk described I see a lot of hallways that look identical to all the others. I mumble to myself "now I get what the map was for." After some walking I found my dorm, I searched for the key card the desk lady had given me to get in to my dorm, after some searching I finely found it between my gigantic stack of paper. I swiped the card in front of the door handle and it opened. I walked in on a girl who was listening to music, she didn't hear me come in so I taped on her shoulder.

The girls shrieked and shook awake out of her trance and smiled at me, she pull out her earplugs and greeted me with a hug. From just this meeting I knew I liked her already so I gave in to the hug just to let go seconds after. I stuck out my hand and said: "Amelia nice to meet you," she did the same and told me her name was Lexi.

After I sat down my stuff and started unpacking she helped me and we talked while unpacking,. Turns out we were a bit similar, we both came from a small town we both had a little sister and we liked the same music. It was destined to be a great friendship.

We talked about a lot of stuff and I now know a lot more about here. this is all I came to know about her: her full name is Lexi Penelope Hope Hart, she is 17 and lived in a farmhouse her whole life up til now. She is here to study economics and management.
About her appearance she is short with long black hair till her upper hip, she told me she always wears a cap because if she doesn't it will look horrific. She has brown eyes and a light brown skin.

From what i can tell she is a hoody, jeans and sneackers wearing kind of person.

After were done unpacking we go to the mainhall and from there to our classrooms. In the mainhall we split because we don't have the same classes.

When I entered the lab I couldn't believe my eyes everything was so advanced and I loved it. The lab had a big glass sealing and advanced equipment. In my old school we just had a small lab with basic equipment, here they have everything and I was excited to use it all.

After class was done I stayed in the lab to do some more research on DNA duplication because that's what we discussed in class and I wanted to do some experiments on the matter.

After some time I tried to duplicate some of my own cells but nothing. It was beginning to get darker.

I should have gone back.. But I didn't, I should of left and just finish the experiment tomorrow.. But I didn't and I paid the price...


Sooo... That was the first chapter I know it's short but the rest of the chapters will be longer hope you liked it and if you have any suggestions be sure to comment.

This is my first book so be sure to give me tips on how to write better and hopefully I see you again at the next chapter.

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