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[Credit to -minhyukie- for the book cover] & [Credit to moonbean101 for the edits of their outfits]

Third Person Point Of View

Taehyung: I'm checking you out

Me: why
what's wrong

Taehyung: There was a setback

Me: a setback?

Taehyung: Something just backfired, and we need back up. I'll be there in ten.

Me: okay

Jimin locked his phone back and anxiously began packing his belongings up. Class was almost over, so the teacher didn't bother to question his rush.

Being checked out because of an emergency by Taehyung was nothing new. Maybe once or twice a month this occurred.

He could hear some kids snickering in the corner of the classroom about his phone. It was a flip phone, yes laugh all you want.

It wasn't his real phone though. His actual phone was always up to date, this was his work phone.

It's a flip phone because they're easy to dispose. Cheap to buy another one whenever necessary. The only contacts in it were his work partners. Nothing else because nothing else was needed.

The bell finally rang and everyone hurried out of class. Jimin, being the first out of the classroom. He hurriedly rushed to his locker and grabbed his backpack and his math notebook. Even though he had work to do with Taehyung, he wasn't going to let anything put his grades down. He sped out of the school's building.

"I swear these panties will be the death of me.", Jungkook whined as he secretly picked his wedgie with his back faced towards some lockers.

"I can understand the whole skirts deal and everything, but you don't have to wear that kind of underwear, Jungkook. It's not like anyone's going to see them.", Baekhyun laughed as he watched his best friend follow through with those certain actions.

Jungkook shrugged, "Pretty hurts, babe."

No, they two are not a couple. Never have been. Best friends in fact. Jungkook just calls everyone "babe". As long as they don't mind it.

Baekhyun smiled at how cutely his best friend became once he finally started dressing this way. He always did question why Jungkook was always more fond of the women's section whenever they went shopping instead of the men's. He even noticed that whenever they went to the mall together Baekhyun had to drag him to The Gap with him while Jungkook just eagerly gawked at the Victoria's Secret across from it.


Jungkook hummed a response as he opened the school's front doors for the both of them.

"What are you doing after school? My mom and dad are having a date night and I don't want to be alone.", Baekhyun sighed poking his bottom lip out.

Just then someone bumped into Jungkook. Jungkook fell to the ground and his head shot up, "Uhm, ouch?"

The person who ran into Jungkook hurriedly turned around and apologized before running off. Baekhyun sighed, "Really, Park Jimin?", and held his hand out for Jungkook to take. He accepted and let Baekhyun help him up.

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