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A/N: If  you found any grammar/spelling mistake please inform it to me... im new to this thing and also if you have any idea to improve my writting skill just tell me okay??


“Noel??? You.. you enganged to Serah?!”

Lightning stood right there with an open mouth and her eyes are wide, of course she surprised because her future brother-in-law is Noel Kreiss and not Snow Villiers. Noel is wearing blue t-shirt with black slack, his hair more long than before.

“Sis why you looked so surprised, you already know that Serah and I are dating” Noel put his left arms on Serah shoulder.

“Im not your sister… and... and where is Snow?” Lightning is really confuse.

“Snow??? Why he have to be in this conversation" Said Serah.

“He is still alive? I mean you know him right?” Lightning asked Serah more question.

“Of course I know him, he is our best friend”

‘Snow is our best friend what??? Did he still has feeling for her or just gone when they re-awake????’ Lightning thought.

“So you dated with Noel but not Snow?"

“Why I have to date with my own best friend???” Serah answered her question gazing at her sister weirdly.

“Awkward” Noel interrupt their conversation.

“Sis your headacge are getting worst, let’s go see the doctor” Serah pulled her sister hand but Lightning refuse to go, she shrugged.

“Okay okay fine if you don’t want to see the doctor why don’t you go to sleep early, you looked exhausted”

Lightning nodded slowly then returned to her room. ‘Seriously Noel is Serah’s boyfriend???,  what the hack in the world has going on right now’ Lightning thought while massaging her temple.

Serah looked at her sister entering the room then she turned around her body to see her fiancé.

“Im worry about sis” said Serah.

“Me either, she looked so surprised when get to know that im your fiancé"

“Yeah ans she expected that Snow is my fiancé that’s weird” Serah took a sip of the orange juice that Lightning served for them.

A Few minutes later Nora and Barthalomew appears from the guest room and headed to the kitchen.

“Hey honey” Nora gets closed to her adoptive daughter

“Hey Mom and Dad, guess what mom we’re engaged!”

“Finally, we meet at last Noel” Barthalomew lend a hand to Noel.

“Mr. Estheim its pleasure to meet you” Noel took those hand and shook it for a few seconds before they let go.

“We heard a lot about you, and im preety sure you will take a good care with our daughter even though she not really our daughter” Nora said to Noel with smiling.

“I will and I promise” Noel said to Nora and Barthalomew. He is  totally sounds like Snow.

“Anyway where’s Claire?” Barthalomew asked his adoptive daughter.

“She’s in her bedroom, I asked her to sleep early” Serah repond to her adoptive father question.

Noel and Serah celebrated their engagement with Mr. and Mrs Estheim.

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