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20 years ago:

George, King Henry's assistant, rushed through the halls of the kingdom, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as he increased his speed with anticipation. Maids and servants scurried past him with fresh white towels, hot water, milk, and warm blankets. He burst into the king's office, breathing heavily.

The king, stationed at his oak desk, looked up for his work and sighed, removing his reading glasses, "What is it this time?" he muttered tiredly.

George, paused to compose himself, smiling breathlessly he announced "It's a girl."

Henry rose swiftly from his seat in distress, "She's had the baby? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"She asked us not to. She didn't want you to suffer with her. She'd like to see you now, though." George opened the door wider, gesturing for the king to join him.

Henry walked around his desk and flew down the long corridors. He found the room that his wife and baby were in and pushed through the door.

He looked at the weak features of his lover. He skin was sickly pale, her brown hair sticking against her face by sweat. Walking forward, he took limp hand in his. "How is she?" he asked one of the servants.

The servant girl's face was grim. "She's dying."
Henry's eyes widened as he looked at Marie. She smiled weakly at him. "I've named her Sophia," she whispered breathlessly.

"She's beautiful. Take care of her." His wife feebly lifted her right hand, stroking his face, ridding it of his salty tearing, she lost her grip, the limb falling onto the bed, as she took her last breath.

Another servant, younger and innocent in her youth, walked forward carrying a bundle of blankets in her arms. She offered it to the king. With a shock, he realized it was his daughter.

"Sophia?" he looked at the servant uncertainly.
"Sophia," she repeated, offering him the bundle again.

This time he took it and looked into the dark brown eyes that were a direct match to his.

"She's weak for a baby. A bit smaller than she should be. It would probably be wise for you to feed her soon. She might be sickly for a while, but we'll take good care of her, Your Majesty."

As if to prove her point, the baby coughed weakly, but did not start crying. She was cold and the blankets weren't warming her quickly enough. She might die. Just as Marie had died.

A tear fell from his cheek to hers


Far, far away, outside the kingdom in a small, village by the creek, another woman was having a baby. She cried out in pain as the midwife urged her to push one last time. She complied.

The sound of a baby's cry filled the room as the mother collapsed against the bed in exhaustion. After washing and cleaning the baby, the midwife wrapped up the infant and handed her back to her mother.

"Diane," a young man entered the room. "Is she alright?" he asked, turning to the nurse.
"She's perfect," the woman smiled. "And the baby is healthy."

He instantly walked forward, sitting beside his wife's cot. He leaned towards her, looking down at the baby in her hands. She had bright blue eyes that matched Diane's almost exactly. Her blonde hair came from him, though. And her rosy cheeks.

"She's a beauty," he whispered in admiration.
"Yes she is, Gregory," Diane whispered, handing the baby to him.

"What have you named her?" he wondered, staring at the baby in his arms.
Gregory looked at Diane. "Alice," he smiled.


On the other side of the kingdom, in a small hut in a town by the ocean, another young lady was having children. She whimpered, but did not scream, afraid she'd frighten her husband.

She bit on a towel to keep the shrieks within herself. After another twenty agonizing minutes, the midwife delivering her baby smiled warmly at her. "You have twins," she announced. "Both of them are boys."

"Twins?" the woman's eyes widened in shock.
"Twins," the midwife repeated. "Shall I send in the

The woman nodded as her husband walked into the hut. "Elizabeth? Are you alright?"
She nodded, breathing deeply. "We have twins, Tom!"
"I know," he grinned. "What shall we name them?"

The midwife handed one of the babies to Elizabeth and the other to Tom.

"We'll name this one Noah," she smiled at the wrapped up baby in her arms, sweat trickling down her round cheeks.

"What shall we name this one?" she eyes the baby in Tom's arms with such love that he couldn't help but smile.
"Harry. After my father."

She nodded. "Noah and Harry."
"Noah and Harry," Tom repeated

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