Chapter 7

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  Sophie walked tentatively into the room, her eyes wide. The room was empty except for herself and the bed. She laid her palm flat against the duvet .

"Adam brought it in."

Sophie jumped back startled turning around. Harry was standing right behind her, as her chest brushed against his. He moved like a ghost. She hadn't even heard him come in.

"I asked him to buy one last night and bring it in after we left."

"That was...Nice of you. Thanks," Sophie breathed, turning back to look at the bed. 

"Sorry if it's not imported from France." he muttered

Sophie rolled her eyes. "You can go now. I'd like to get to sleep, anyways."

Harry chuckled once lowly.

"That's no way to treat the guy who just got you a bed to sleep in at night."

"I didn't complain when I was sleeping on the floor," Sophie murmured, turning back to face him.

He was too close for her liking and she pushed past him, walking towards the door.

He caught her by the back of her shirt and pulled her back. "Where are you going?" he asked

"To ask Al if I can borrow some night clothes," Sophie huffed, turning to glare at him.

"You can borrow one of my shirts. Tomorrow, Alice's taking you shopping for clothes. Don't expect anything fancy. You'll be wearing all black like the rest of us. She just needs to be sure of your size."

"All right," Sophie said. "But I'm sure she wouldn't mind lending me ONE set of night clothes so I'm going to-"

"I need to talk to you." His eyes darkened, intense now.

"Talk." she folded her arms

Harry glanced at her, narrowing his eyes.

Sophie's teeth dug into her lower lip. She hadn't felt comfortable in Harry's room the first time and didn't really want to visit it again.

He walked to the door. The decision was made. She was going.

She sighed quietly and followed after him. He opened his door and stood to the side as she entered first. He followed her in, closing and locking the door behind himself.

Harry nodded to his dresser. "Pick what ever shirt you want." he shrugged walking over to his desk, and picking up a pile of papers paging through them.

"You were serious?" Sophie asked.

He paused and looked at her. "Did you think I was kidding?" he asked dryly

She sighed again. He wasn't the type to joke around. She walked over to the dresser and picked out the first shirt she saw.

Peeking over her shoulder, she saw that Harry was engrossed in his papers. She removed her shirt and trousers and dropped his shirt over her head. It was big and fell mid-thigh. She turned around catching Harry's hard stare.

"Pervert," she grimaced.

He rolled his eyes. "I saw it all this morning."

She grimaced again and cautiously perched herself on the edge of his bed. "What do you need?"

He narrowed his eyes, watching her. "You don't need to be uncomfortable. I'm not going to rape you."

Sophie made a face and changed the subject, "What do you need?" she repeated.

"As you know, we're partners from this moment on. Until we've eliminated your father and you are safe again, you and I will be working together." he informed

Sophie swallowed the lump in her throat. She didn't know how he could talk about eliminating someone with less care than you'd give a blade of grass in the middle of a park.

She lowered her gaze to the black shirt she had on.

"Don't think of him as the man who raised you," Harry said,his voice soft. "Think of him as a murderer."

Sophie snapped her head up to look at him. "Is that what he did? Did he kill your parents?"

Harry stared into her eyes for a long moment. "No one is sure." he finally spoke

"Do you think he did?"

Harry's eyes darkened. "I can't say."

Sophie's eyes narrowed accusingly.

Harry sighed. It was a whisper of barely expelled breath.
"Do I think it's a good possibility? Yes. Do I hope he didn't? Very much so."

"A guy like you hopes?"

The corners of Harry's mouth twitched ever so slightly. "I have a job for you." He placed a single sheet of paper and a pen on the desk top, clearing off everything else. "I want you to list anything peculiar about your father. Any name he mentioned that you hadn't recognized. Anything that could help."

He gestured to the seat in front of the desk.

Sophie stood up, hesitated, and then crossed the room, sitting in front of the desk.

He stood behind her, leaning over her to place another piece of paper next to the blank one. "Read over this. See if anything is significant."

It was the paper Harry had taken from King Henry's office.

Sophie read over the paper and wrote her list for hours. It was getting late, and she'd passed midnight a couple of minutes ago.

Her eyelids were becoming very heavy. She blinked a couple of times as she folded her arms on the tabletop and put her head down, closing her eyes.

She fell asleep.

Harry was in the hallways, trying to keep the nosy rebels away from his room. He was standing in front of his door, leaning on the doorjamb, arms crossed over his chest.

A lot of people came upstairs. Most of them skulked back downstairs immediately when they saw him. Others tried to persuade him to let them talk to the princess.

Daniel walked up the stairs and smiled innocently. "Hey, Harry. I-"

"No." he cut her off

He paused. "You don't even know what I was about to ask."

"The answer is still no."

"So, if I was about to ask if you'd die to save your brother, the answer would still be no?" he raised his eye brow

Harry gave him a look that could curdle milk and he took an involuntary step backwards, sighing. "I just want to-"


He huffed and turned around, stomping down the stairs.

Harry walked over to the stairs and called down, "If any of you sneak upstairs, I will know. And then, you'll have to deal with me."

Alice peeked her head out of her room. She glanced at the stairs and then grinned. "Considering no one's stampeding up here, I guess that's a very scary threat."

Harry glanced at her briefly and then turned to his door.

"When do you want me to take her shopping?" she questioned

"Early," Harry stated simply.

He walked into his room and then closed the door behind himself, locking it. Not that it mattered. Everyone in that house, excluding Selena, could pick the lock.
Harry slid the security chain into place and then turned to Sophie.

She had her head down and was breathing deeply.

He sighed and walked over to the chair. He pulled it away from the desk and scooped the princess into his arms. He laid her down gently in his bed, stepping away from her.

Pulling off his shirt and jeans Harry climbed in beside her. Turning his back to her, he closing his eyes.


Three hours later, Sophie snapped her eyes open. She felt a heavy weight around her ,slowly she glanced down finding Harry's arms around her waist gasping, she sat up.

In the dim light streaming in the window from the moon, Sophie saw Harry staring up at her. Somehow, she'd ended up on top of him and his arms had snaked around her waist. She'd sat up and was now straddling him.

"Sorry," she gasped, rolling off of him quickly.

He pushed himself onto his elbows, peering over at her.

"If I knew you'd attack me in my sleep, I'd have given you a smaller shirt." He smirked at her.

"I did not attack you!" she huffed. "It was probably your fault!"

He raised his eyebrows, amused. "If you haven't noticed, I'm on my side of the bed and you were on top of me. How is it my fault?"

For the first time, Sophie realized she was in bed with Harry. She gasped again, shooting out of his bed.

He watched her, smirking.

"What am I doing in here?" she asked.

"You fell asleep while writing the list."he shrugged

"Why didn't you bring me to my room?" she scowled

He eyed her accusingly. "You're asking a lot, princess. I should've left you at the table and let you fall off your chair and hurt yourself."

She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "You're right. Sorry."

He chuckled under his breath. "You can leave if you want, but I'm pretty sure there are rebels outside of my door, trying to catch a peek of us together. I heard the lock tumble about an hour ago."

"Why didn't they come in?"

Harry raised his eyebrows. "I've taught my team to pick locks. I refuse to teach them how to get through a security chain from outside of the door."

She smiled despite herself. "Taught them everything they know. Not everything you know?"

"Exactly," Harry dipped his head in a small nod. "But like I said, you can leave. They know not to mess with me." He winked and then turned over in his bed, his shoulder and back muscles relaxing.

Sophie bit her lip hesitating. "Can I stay in here tonight?"

He rolled over and studied her. The corners of his lips twitched. "Sure. But if you attack me again, be prepared to wake up with your clothes on the floor."

He lay back down and immediately relaxed, his breathing becoming deeper.

Sophie drew in a shaky breath. How was she supposed to sleep with that on her mind!


The next morning, Sophie fluttered her eyelids open.

Harry's spot in the bed was empty, with just a small dent in his pillow proving that he'd been there at all. She sat up and did a quick check, making sure she was still wearing his shirt.

She climbed out of bed and the shirt fell mid-thigh again.
She took a deep, settling breath and turned to look out the window.

The princess jumped and gasped when she saw Harry at the table, looking over her notes from before.

He didn't even look at her. His face was impassive. His shoulders were tense.

"Is something wrong?" Sophie asked.

"The East and West villages. Do you know what those are?" his voice edgy

"No," Sophie shook her head. "When I was eight, I was having breakfast with my father and George walked in. He said, 'We've taken care of the east and west villages.' I figured it was a play or something. I only wrote in on the list because when I asked my father about it, he'd always change the subject."

Harry nodded his head once, keeping his gaze on the paper.

"Do you know what they are?" Sophie asked him, intrigued.

Harry didn't look at her as his tone changed, "Go get dressed.Alice's waiting for you."

She bit her lip and opened the bedroom door. The hall was empty.

"It's 5:00 in the morning. Even the rebels don't get up this early," he reassured her.

Sophie padded out of the room and slipped into her room. She picked up one of the outfits Alice had given her. She pulled the shirt over her head and yanked on the black sweat pants. She smoothed the wrinkles on the shirt and walked out of the room.

Alice was leaning against her door, arms crossed over her chest. Her face was blank, expressionless. She stared straight ahead.

"Al?" Sophie called.

Alice looked at her and smiled. "Hey, are you ready to go?"

Sophie nodded. "How are we getting there? The truck is kind of..."

"I know," Al waved off the concern. "We've got another car."


She followed Alice outside and saw the rusty truck. It was different from the truck they'd had before, but not by much.

The car was already running and Sophie saw a head of wild curls in the window. Alice climbed into the driver's side as Sophie slid into the back seat.

The girl turned around. "Hey."

It was the girl from before. The one with Daniel.

"Hey, Pincess," the girl smiled. "I'm Lily."

"Er...Hi," Sophie smiled meekly.

"Hope you don't mind. Al said I could come." she grinned

"Oh...Well, no, I guess I don't mind." Sophie bit her lip.

"Cool," Lily smiled turning to face the front again.

The ride to the market was silent. Once there, Alice and Lily were all business. They picked out six pairs of black jeans, four pairs of black cargo pants, two pairs of black sweats, and seven black t-shirts. They picked out a black wind breaker and a black sweatshirt. Lastly, they picked out two black dresses.

"What are those for?" Sophie wondered.

"Formal events." Alice paid for the mounds of clothes and handed the bags to the princess. "You wait in the car while Lily and I grab you some shoes ,alright." she informed her.

Sophie hurried over to the car and pushed the bags into the back. She climbed in and stared out the dark window.

A few minutes later, Lily and Alice emerged from the market and walked along the path towards the car.

The next few minutes were chaos.

A gunshot sounded and Lily fell to the floor. She clutched her bleeding leg, her face contorting in pain.

Four guards descended upon them. Lily struggled to defend herself and Alice, but one officer held her and the other punched her in the face. The one holding her kicked her in the back of the shins and her legs buckled out from under her. They dragged Alice away as she kicked and scratched the last guard spat on wounded Lily as she struggled to get up in the road.

Sophie shot out of the car, running to Lily and  knelt before her. She looked down the road and saw the guards' cars disappearing around the bend in the road. "Al-Alice..they h-have her!" Sophie stuttered in shock "Dont worry" Lily sucked in a shaky breath "We need to get back to the rebels Harry will know what to do"

Lily's teeth were clenched against the pain as Sophie helped her to her feet and together they made it to the truck. She was limping and hanging onto Sophie's shoulder heavily.

Sophie led her to the passenger seat ,buckling the girl into the car and then got in the truck.

Slammed her foot against the accelerator and sped back to the house, her heart pounding. She needed Harry.

Hey guys so sorry for the wait, this has been a v stressful week, as I mentioned earlier I was in hospital over a week ago, Im fine now but this is my final week in university before my Christmas holidays so I have assignments and exams piling on top of each other.

But on the bright side, after Friday I've a month off, that means more frequent updates!!

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