Chapter 15

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Harry slowed down the truck as they arrived in front of the warehouse, turning off the engine he stayed seated beside Sophie, watching the other guys dismantle the vehicle and disappear into the house.

He turned to Sophie, opening his mouth to say speak.

"Harry!" There was a knock on the window.

Harry and Sophie jumped apart in fright. Noah was standing by the car, knocking on the window, his face held an uneasy expression.

Harry opened the car door, facing his brother.

"Sorry about that," Noah said. "But...Well, I think you should see this."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. "See what?"

Noah grabbed his wrist and pulled him out of the truck in a frenzy. Sophie climbed out, too and the threesome ran around the house towards the wooden gate in the backyard.

The gruesome scene before them made their blood turn cold.

"JAKE!" Sophie shrieked, tripping over her feet as she ran in his direction.

Leaning against the fence was a wooden cross, eight feet tall. Jake was nailed to the cross by his hands. He a cloth tied around his mouth.

In front of the cross, Alice was standing on a ladder, supporting Jake's weight. "Do something!" she shrieked in hysterics at Harry, tears lining her cheeks.

Sophie climbed the ladder beside her and untied the cloth around his mouth.

Jake's breathing came in short pants. "A-Alice," he gasped. "It...Hurts!"

"I know, Jake. I know,'' Alice said, sniffling. "It's going to get better. We're going to get you help. I promise."

Harry and Noah were standing at the base of the ladder. "Alice, Sophie, come down. We need to get Jake off of there."

The two girls climbed down as Jake's body collapsed with his weight, he let out a shriek of pain at the sensation.

Alice gasped, clenching her fists together tightly.

The boys made quick work of securing alone of the cross and laying Jake down on the floor.

"Sophie," Harry said from between clenched teeth. "Come here."

Sophie kneeled beside him. "What do you need?" she asked, determined to help.

"I need Noah to comfort Alice. He's the closes one to her besides Jake." He raised his head and met Noah's eyes. "Go. Sophie and I have got it."

Noah nodded and stood. He walked over to Alice pulling her into his arms, she sobbed into his chest, hugging him tightly.

"Wh-what do I do?" Sophie asked. "Harry, I don't know what to do."

"Neither do I. But I got that bullet out of you and I didn't know what to do then, either."

He called out to the whole of the rebels crowded around them. "I need a hammer, two thick clothes, two bandages, water, and two bags of ice. HURRY!"
Rebels scurried forward dropping what Harry asked for in front of him.

"Hold your breath," he warned the young boy. "This might hurt."

Harry grabbed the hammer and used the back to pull the nails out of Jake's hands.

Jake howled in agony, as blood began pumping out of his wound, Sophie was quick to wash it out and tie a bandage around his hand. She almost passed out from the sight of how much blood Jake was losing.

Rebel |h.s au|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora