Chapter 6.

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Sophie looked at Harry, nibbling on her lower lip. "I'm not sure," she admitted.

Harry's eyes closed as he lounged against the wall. "Get sure."

Sophie huffed. "You are so-"

"I'll come get you at 4:00 tomorrow morning," he cut her off, pushing to his feet. "Get some sleep. It'll be a long day."

And then he was gone.

Alice and Noah were waiting in Harry's room.

He walked in and nodded his acknowledgment to them.

Strolling over to the dresser he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

"Harry, you two can't go alone." Alice argued standing up

"The hell we can't," Harry picked out a baggy black shirt and yanked it on. He sat in his desk chair and leaned down to untie his black boots.

"It's not smart! What if something happens? No one will be there to help you." Al raised her hands

"Sophie will."

Harry's voice reflected his sarcasm and Alice rolled her eyes in frustration.

Harry continued to pull of his shoes. He slipped off his socks and balled them up, tossing them in the hamper in the far corner of his room.

"Harry, we should go with you." she pleaded

Harry straightened in his chair and looked at her, sighing in exasperation. "You're starting to sound like your brother."

"Harry," Noah sighed. "Al's right. It's too dangerous."

Harry just rolled his eyes. "We'll be fine. Now stop pestering me about this. I'm not changing my mind."

Alice narrowed her eyes. "What time are you leaving tomorrow?"

Harry sighed heavily raising his hand to run through his brown locks. "9:00 in the morning."

She stood with a nod and exited with Noah without a goodbye.

The next morning at 4:00 a.m., Harry crept into Sophie's room just a promised.

She was just pulling on her shirt. He leaned against the doorjamb, watching her. She got the shirt over her head and jumped, gasping putting her hand to her heart once Harry came into her view.

This caused him to smirked. "Good morning princess."

"You scared me!" she cursed silently under her breath

"I figured that out already." Harry walked forward and eying her up and down. "You need shoes."

"Don't have any." Sophie shrugged
It was true that night Harry kidnapped her she was barefoot.

"I know that, too." Harry rolled his eyes and walked out of the room.

Two minutes later, he walked back in with shoes in his hand. He tossed them to her.

She pulled them on quickly, when she finished tying the lasses he took her elbow pulling her upright, leading her out of the room.

They walked down the stairs, but not before Sophie noticed a piece of paper taped to Harry's door, the writing too small, however for her to make out.

Once they were in the truck and Harry was driving, she asked him about it.

"It was a note to Al and Noah."

Sophie only nodded in acknowledgement focusing her gaze out the window, into the dark of dawn. "About?"

"They thinks we're leaving at 9:00." Harry answered staring ahead

"Why?" she asked in confusion

"Because I told her we were." he shrugged

"Why?" Sophie repeated.

Harry threw her an annoyed grimace. "Because she wanted to come along."

"Why couldn't she?"

"Because I said so," Harry snapped. "Stop asking stupid questions!"

Sophie lapsed into silence. She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes.

His jaw was hard and his mouth was tight. His eyebrows pushed together as he held the steering wheel so intensely his knuckles turned white.

After half an hour, the car was so silent that Sophie was on the edge of her seat with the uncomfortable tension.

Harry expelled a barely audible breath. "Tell me about your mother."

"I don't know anything about her..." she spoke softly her eyes focusing on her lap, fidgeting with her fingers

"What about pictures? What does she look like?"

"She looked like me. Her hair was lighter and her eyes were green, but other than that, no one could tell the difference. Oh, and her hair was shorter." she added smiling slightly

Harry glanced at her, and noticed for the first time that Sophie's hair flowed just above her waist. "How'd yours get so long?" he questioned

"I used to wear it in braids a lot." she smiled at the memories

Harry cracked a small smile.

"What about you?" Sophie asked after some silence. "Where's your family?"

"Don't ask." his composer suddenly became stiff

"No, really. I want to know." the princess pushed

"No." he answered sternly

"But...Why can't I just-"

"I said NO," Harry snapped. "Give it a rest."

Sophie leaned back in her chair and studied the man beside her in confusion.

Twenty minutes later, Harry stopped the car. "We are on the southern perimeter of the castle wall. We have, at best, thirty minutes before they discover this car."

"Why are we so close?"

Harry sighed heavily. Sophie realized she'd just asked another question.

"Get out of the car," he spoke, opening his door. They both stepped out.

They walked the short distance to the wall. "Where is it?" Harry asked.

"Where is what?" Sophie tilted her head

Harry eyed her suspiciously. "You are to tell me that you are almost twenty-one years of age and this is the first time you've been out of the castle?" He scoffed, "I know you've snuck out before. How did you do it?"

She sighed but led him to the right. She pushed against the tiles there and they collapsed in. It was a small tunnel. They both climbed in, and Sophie stacked up the tiles again.

"I can't see anything," Harry cursed as he walked into something hard.

It was pitch black in the tunnel. As Harry's eyes were trying to focus in the dark, he felt a small weight of Sophie's petite hand sliding into his larger one.

"I know this tunnel like I know my own face. Stay close."

She pulled him through the tunnel and he followed cautiously. It took ten minutes to get the other side, but finally, Sophie pushed through the tiles.

They both climbed out and Harry helped her stack up the tiles again as if they had been untouched.

He crept through the yard with the princess close at his heels.

They both came to Sophie's balcony, and he slowly began climbing up. She climbed with him.

They made it to the balcony quickly. She took a moment to soak in her surroundings a small smile placed into her lips as she found a picture of her mother on the bed side table as she was about to make her way over to it Harry grabbed her hand pulling her into the hallways.

"Your father's office," he instructed. "Put your hood up."

Sophie yanked her hood over her head and then led him to her father's office. She heard muffled voices from within.

"They have her!" King Henry was saying. "The rebels have my daughter. They are a menace. They will ruin everything!" he spoke angrily

"Don't tell the town's people," George said. "Keep it quiet."

"Her coronation is in two weeks! What do you think they will say then?" the king spat

George sighed. "We shall find her by then. The rebels may very well have already killed her. And if they haven't, when we find her, we will kill her."

Sophie sucked in a gasp out of horror. Quickly Harry clapped his hand over her mouth.

"How can I kill my own daughter?" Henry asked. Sophie relaxed, but Harry was tense against her. She glanced at him. He was listening intently.

"What will the town's people say when they find out Sophie is dead?" The king asked. "What are we to tell them?"

Sophie went rigid.

George was silent for moment. "Then tell them she's been abducted by the rebels. And when we find her and kill her, we can blame it on them."

Sophie's lips were trembling.

Harry looked at her and sighed. "Let's go," he mouthed, grabbing her arm.

As they turned to leave, Sophie's face paled and Harrys hand squeezed her arm harshly, facing them was five guards.

"Your Majesty!" one of them called. "You've got visitors."

Sophie's face was shrouded in darkness from her hood. She pulled it further over her head as the door opened behind them.

Harry was quick to act as his arms swung out and he made contact with the closest guard.

He turned around and kicked the king in the stomach. He then grabbed George and shoved him forcefully on top of the king, who was sprawled on the ground.

A guard lunged for Harry, but Sophie caught him mid-jump. They both fell to the floor, clawing and kicking.

Harry pulled her to her feet as her hood fell off her head.

"Sophia?" the king gasped in shock.

Before anyone could make a move Harry pulled Sophie down the hall by her hand and they were both took off running.

At the end of the hall, more guards were pounding up the stairs. They turned around, but other guards were coming at them from that direction, too.

Sophie grabbed Harry's arm and pushed into the door nearest them.

It was a room that was empty except for a single wardrobe.
Harry cursed.

"Trust me," Sophie whispered, pulling off her sweatshirt. She looped the sweatshirt through the handle and the lock, tying them together.
She pulled him into the wardrobe.

"Sophie, this is the only place to hide in the room. I'm pretty sure they'll find us." he joked

Sophie rammed her shoulder into the back of the wardrobe and it swung open, leading into a stairwell.

Harry stared at it for a moment, and a genuine smile pulled at the corner of his lips.

They both heard cloth ripping as the door to the room slammed open. Without wasting time Sophie and Harry ran down the stairs, and barrelled out into the kitchen.

Harry grabbed her arm as they ran. They were at the front of the castle. They ran through the front of the gates as the sound of yelling echoed behind them. They ran around the perimeter of the wall until the came upon the truck.

Sophie's heart was pounding against her chest as she heard a gunshot .Harry jumped in front of her, shoving her out of the way. She fell into a tree as Harry pulled in a sharp gasp.

He shoved her towards the passenger side door.
She jumped in, adrenaline running through her veins, looking out the back window saw guards running towards the car, guns in hand.

Harry shoved the keys into the ignition the car roared to life as they sped off.

Sophie looked over at Harry. His shoulder was bleeding.
He met her gaze for a brief moment and then looked away.

"You saved me a few days ago...Now we're even."

An hours later, Harry stopped in front of small wooden building. It had a sign across the top that read 'Hal's.'

"Where are we?" Sophie asked in confusion.

"Hal is a supporter of the rebels," Harry said, opening his car door. He got out and glanced back at Sophie. She hadn't moved.

He walked over to her side and leaned into the open window. "Are you coming, or what?"

"Er..." Sophie was hesitant

"Fine, I'll leave you to the guys. I'm sure they'd love a princess." Harry shrugged walking away slowly

Sophie stilled. "Guys?" She opened the door and hopped out.

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