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I am Zenny, friend of Lenny (aka Author-Chan). I am sorry to announce that she is dead. She suffered from a disease and lost the battle last night. May we all remember her. A moment of silence please.




Okay, thank you. In honor of her, we have created a feast of potato-free blue food. Feel free to dig in at the end of the service. *book snaps shut*

Now, to the point. You may be wondering, "What is this deadly disease she died of?" Allow me to fill you in. *paces*

DA FEELZ is a terminal disease that all fangirls and fanboys suffer from. Your very own Author-Chan lost her life to this.

I have founded a non-profit organization called FLM (or Fan Lives Matter) to overcome this malignant beast. We are using state-of-the-art technology *holds up magnifying glass* to research more on the topic. This is what we have discovered thus far:

DA FEELZ seems to originate from the creation of written fictional documents, or books. However, it only became widespread at the creation of the World Wide Web. Fandoms sprouted up like crazy, communication was simpler, and people were meeting others from the fandom, therefore spreading the disease.

As for the disease's targets, they are fangirls and fanboys of all ages, as well as anyone who happens to be unlucky enough to stumble upon it.

DA FEELZ has many symptoms, including: mood swings, sensitivity to emotional triggers, loss of rationality and desire to constantly be in contact with the fandom of choice. The main sign is loss of social life, or maybe even lack of it. This disease may be hereditary, after all.

(Notice: These are not all of the symptoms, and they differ from person to person. We are still discovering more as we speak.)

Victims of this disease report that it is like a drug; you never want to get off of it. There are highs and lows, not unlike a roller coaster...A roller coaster of emotions, perhaps. This is what leads so many awry and kills them.

As you can see, DA FEELZ is highly dangerous and must be cured at once. Our organization is requesting donations from all of you. You can help save lives by giving a dollar or two.

*voice in background shrieks* MY LIFE DOESN'T NEED TO BE SAVED

Hush, child. You don't know what's best for you.

*background voice*
I do! I am the author of this book!

*Zenny tackles the owner of the voice*

*Lenny cowers*

*turns back*
Ahem. Where was I? Oh yes, you can save lives by doing so. That wasn't Lenny by the way. That was...Wenny. Yes, Wenny, our other friend.

Hold on...if you are reading this...then chances are, you are a fangirl or fanboy! You could unknowingly be infected already! QUARANTINEEEEEEEE

*minions come and quarantine crowd*

*spongebob narrator voice*

*little kid picks up diary*
Hm, I wonder what's in here?
*opens up random page and begins reading*

July 7, year 777
It's hopeless. We've done all we could. There is no cure, we can only pray now. We have been ordered by the council to release the subjects into the wild. Farewell, Lenny. At least they haven't figured out that we've been experimenting on humans...Oh crap! They're onto us! I just received a call, I have to run now. This will be the last time I write in here ever again.


A/N: For those of you in the States, Happy Thanksgiving! I wrote a longer one this time, as I probably won't be able to update for the rest of Thanksgiving weekend. Anyways, I hope you have a great holiday ^^

P.S. Did anyone catch the fandom reference? Look long and hard, I'll give a shoutout to the first one who comments! (Hint: Anime fans, calling to you!)

Love you all! 💕


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