Chapter 2: 3 years later

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3 years later Uriah and Tris were still dating but today was the day the choose the factions they want to be in. Tris already knows she will stay with Dauntless and thinks Uriah will stay too because he loves to fight. Tris was sitting there and saw this guy that joined dauntless about a year ago but just notice him and how cute he is. He looked back and saw Tris. Tris smiled at hime but he turned away before seeing her smile at him. Uriah saw her watching this guy and Uriah walked up to him to talk to him.

"Hey you are friends with my older brother aren't you"

"Why are you asking me"

"Because I wanted to know because I have seen him with someone who looks a lot like you"

"Well me it is me but  you will never know now go away little boy"

"Who are you calling little boy"


"That was rude"

"Who ever said I was nice. Btw your little girl keeps looking at me so why not take it up with her looking at another guy"

"Well she has the right to look at who ever she wants to look at. I ain't stopping her from looking at you because I know at the end of the day she my girl"

Tris saw Uriah trying to fight this mystery guy. Tris runs up to stop Uriah before he could throw any punches because Tris know this guy could bet the crap out him. Tris pulls Uriah and apologize to the other guy.

"I am so sorry for his actions"

"What makes you think you can talk to me"

"Wow I was just say sorry for what he was doing but whatever be a dick"

"Yeah you run off little kids"

"You know what just because you are older doesn't mean to be rude to us"Tris yelled at him

"Just go away"

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