Chapter 4:Uriah get jealous

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Uriah find out from Zeke that Tobias has a Crush on Tris and he gets anger at both of them. Uriah walked over to Tris parent's house to see what the fuck is going on between her and Tobias. Uriah knocked on the door and wait for Tris to answer.

"Uriah what are you doing here?"

"Tris do you like Tobias or does he just like you?"

"I am sorry what are you talking about I don't even talk to him"

"Well Zeke said he has a crush on you"

"Really your brother told you that"

"Yes he did"

"Did you ever thing your brother could be lying to you about that"

"Oh I never thought about that"

"Bye Uriah"


Tris know she had to pull it off cool that she doesn't talk to Tobias when she does and she did like Tobias. Tris became happy knowing he liked her back. Tris went out to meet up with Tobias to tell him what was going on. On the way to meeting Tobias someone saw Tris and told Uriah. Uriah started to follow Tris and saw Tobias waiting for her.

"Hey Tobias we need to talk"

"Oh okay about what?"

"Uriah's brother told him that you like me"


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