Chapter 3: A Day in Tobias Life

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Tobias had been a dauntless for about a year now and is a trainer with Eric the person he hates the most out of everyone well not like his dad. Tobias will always hate his dad because of he did to him. Tobias was walking down the halls and heard a voice behind him. Tobias was walking fast because he was getting closer to the chasm. Tobias know the voice was getting close but now its coming front in front of him. He turn to look behind him and Tris ran right into him.

"What the hell look where you are going little girl"

"Hey you are you calling a little girl I am pretty sure I can kick your ass"

"You better watch it because I can make sure you get kicked out of dauntless"

"Oh I am so scared"

"You better be"

"Oh whatever"

Tris walked away and Tobias watched her walk away from him anger. Tobias started to feel something for her which was weird for him since he has never liked a girl before. Tobias know he was getting feeling for this little girl. Tobias didn't need this right now so he started to not think about her. The next thing Tobias know is someone punched him in the face. Tobias looked  and saw Uriah running off. Tobias was pissed and ran after him. He caught Uriah and punched him right in the jaw. 

"You don't ever punch me again you got it"

"Damn you was being rude to a girl and that is wrong"

"She was acting like a little girl and needs to go grow up"

"Well you shouldn't be rude no girl even with the way she acts"

"Just go now before I punch you again and I don't think you want that to happen again do you Uriah"

"Hey Tobias"Zeke walked up

"Oh hey Zeke"

"Is my little brother bothering you?" Looked at Uriah

"I told you that you were friends with my brother"

"No he was just asking if I was friends with you"

"Okay now leave Uriah"

Tobias gave Uriah smirk as he walked over to Tris and Tobias eyes got big when he saw Tris. Zeke looked over at Uriah and looked back at Tobias.

"Wait why you looking at my brother's girlfriend?"

"I am not looking at her"

"Yes you are"

"I dont't have time for a girl"

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