Saving Ice Frontier!

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"Hello girls!" Timmy said.
"Timmy! What are you doing here?" Tecna asks.
"I am here to take you Winx girls and Cecilia to the Ice Frontier." Timmy explains.
"But I thought Icey took it over," Ceilia says.
"She did but the former queen had rescued some of her subjects before Icey could get to them." Timmy explained.

"Queen Lilith! Your safe!" Cecilia says.
"Yes we must defeat my daughter so that she does not take over the planet completely we must save King Leon he has the power of the ruler of this planet and if she gets it she has enough power to take over the magical universe!" Queen Lilith says.
"But is there a way to get in the castle without being caught?" Bloom asks.
"Yes but it is still dangerous you have to pass over the lake of lava and through the gigantruous forest to get to the back of the Royal library where spells are kept. There are mythical gaurds that ask of a pure heart to enter you have to pass the test to go any further." Lilith says.
"Thank you, Winx Bloomix!" Bloom yells.
"Bloom, fairy of the dragon flame! Flora, fairy of nature! Stella, fairy of the sun and moon! Aisha, fairy of tides! Musa, fairy of music!Tecna, fairy of technology! Cecilia, fairy of ice!"

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